This is my belief as well. It follows along the same reasoning as to why they molest, torture, kill, and eat children. Anything that "we" would find enjoyable as the average joe is nothing to someone who can have any man or woman on earth at their request. Cars? Boring. Excursions? Boring. They quite literally own almost everything or at least the mechanisms that create everything else. In that type of world, the only thing that would make sense with that type of money and power would be to commit evil and then bask in the knowledge that no one is coming to stop you because you can buy their agencies a thousand times over. Absolute power does indeed corrupt outside of God Almighty.
It is true. This is why happiness doesn't lie in wealth or material possessions. The people in these positions often sell their souls to get there, so doing good for others is unappealing; they must do acts of evil and depravity in order to have feeling. It's a sad and twisted place to be.
The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix comes to mind.
This is my belief as well. It follows along the same reasoning as to why they molest, torture, kill, and eat children. Anything that "we" would find enjoyable as the average joe is nothing to someone who can have any man or woman on earth at their request. Cars? Boring. Excursions? Boring. They quite literally own almost everything or at least the mechanisms that create everything else. In that type of world, the only thing that would make sense with that type of money and power would be to commit evil and then bask in the knowledge that no one is coming to stop you because you can buy their agencies a thousand times over. Absolute power does indeed corrupt outside of God Almighty.
It is true. This is why happiness doesn't lie in wealth or material possessions. The people in these positions often sell their souls to get there, so doing good for others is unappealing; they must do acts of evil and depravity in order to have feeling. It's a sad and twisted place to be.
The Fall of the House of Usher on Netflix comes to mind.
Can wait til the house of Rothchild falls... but that is going to take a lot of doing.