I lost a match when I was a kid and I was pissed because he knocked my tooth loose with a round house. (The kids aren't supposed to hit full strength) He should have at least lost a point and when he didn't I continued to protest and lost another quick point because I was trying to plead my case and not paying attention. After I lost, I stayed and watched his next opponent, which was a girl, wipe the mats with him. It was glorious. I'm glad it was him and not me because she would have kicked my ass too. Girls are WAY more coordinated when they are young than their male counterparts. I didn't stay long enough to see who ultimately won our group, but I'm pretty sure she beat most if not all of those left. She was graceful like a dear, really fast, and had longer legs than most of the boys.
I'll note that this was fighting within rules, and there's a level of maturity required to accomplish that, so girls will have an advantage within that context for a little bit. Boys ' power, speed and strength will overcome on the street, however. On the street, girls have to be even more clever and dirty to survive an outmatched fight and they would still have to flee asap. Now, if they're packing an equalizing tool, the story changes.
I lost a match when I was a kid and I was pissed because he knocked my tooth loose with a round house. (The kids aren't supposed to hit full strength) He should have at least lost a point and when he didn't I continued to protest and lost another quick point because I was trying to plead my case and not paying attention. After I lost, I stayed and watched his next opponent, which was a girl, wipe the mats with him. It was glorious. I'm glad it was him and not me because she would have kicked my ass too. Girls are WAY more coordinated when they are young than their male counterparts. I didn't stay long enough to see who ultimately won our group, but I'm pretty sure she beat most if not all of those left. She was graceful like a dear, really fast, and had longer legs than most of the boys.
I'll note that this was fighting within rules, and there's a level of maturity required to accomplish that, so girls will have an advantage within that context for a little bit. Boys ' power, speed and strength will overcome on the street, however. On the street, girls have to be even more clever and dirty to survive an outmatched fight and they would still have to flee asap. Now, if they're packing an equalizing tool, the story changes.