Fake and ghey. The reality is the best trained 120# woman has zero chance against a 190# average athletic man. It’s simple physics. This is some “The Marvels” style wish fulfillment.
You would be surprised. I'm a black belt and I've had plenty of men tell me I hit like a man. I'm not as strong as a man, no comparison, but I will put up a good fight.
well, i'm also assuming that you are fighting trained men. i personally think that a trained woman could tear through untrained men just like these women did in the video. Plus those "men" look like late teens, so it's more than just physicality, it's the mental aspect of it too. maybe the boys aren't used to fighting. the girls were ;)
Not saying it's real because I have no idea. But I could see this happening.
Your exactly right. I train with trained men, 10th Dan, 6th Dan 4th Dan are my teachers. I'm overwhelmed by their speed and strength and I know darn well I can't beat them, but give me a untrained man, I can hold my own. Men think we are trying to compete with them, they are so wrong. We just want to be strong enough in our lives. On the deck I've had lower ranking men hit or block me hard like I was a man. Sure it hurts, but we hide it. I refuse to show weakness to them.
I lost a match when I was a kid and I was pissed because he knocked my tooth loose with a round house. (The kids aren't supposed to hit full strength) He should have at least lost a point and when he didn't I continued to protest and lost another quick point because I was trying to plead my case and not paying attention. After I lost, I stayed and watched his next opponent, which was a girl, wipe the mats with him. It was glorious. I'm glad it was him and not me because she would have kicked my ass too. Girls are WAY more coordinated when they are young than their male counterparts. I didn't stay long enough to see who ultimately won our group, but I'm pretty sure she beat most if not all of those left. She was graceful like a dear, really fast, and had longer legs than most of the boys.
I'll note that this was fighting within rules, and there's a level of maturity required to accomplish that, so girls will have an advantage within that context for a little bit. Boys ' power, speed and strength will overcome on the street, however. On the street, girls have to be even more clever and dirty to survive an outmatched fight and they would still have to flee asap. Now, if they're packing an equalizing tool, the story changes.
Some men lie to make you feel good. You should know that by now. Go pick a 190 pound dude off the street and see what he thinks of your wonder woman attack.
What a stupid comment. Thugs who pick on women are usually not 'fighters' like a trained woman would be. Women who do martial arts seriously already know their limitations, which is why the the girls here took off as soon as they could safely. Only libtards get drunk and pick fights with men thinking they have a chance in hell.
I've watched this several times now, doubtful it this is fake.
1.) Muslims who think that women are lower than they are, and should submit are going to let women kick their asses -- hardly. These morons have done this before
2.) In a fight, especially street fights, it's ugly not choreographed like hollyweird. Fighting is 1-3 moves at a time, at most -- punch, kick, throw, push, grab, do what you need to, reassess, repeat, and that is exactly what happened here. The movies have people thinking that street fights flow the same way martial arts happens in film, 15 moves and 15 countermoves.
3.) These guys were surprised, obviously not trained, their normal tactic is to close in with numbers and weren't used to the prey responding with violence. The animals were at most 160#, look at their stances, not balanced what so ever. These three were trained, notice how they split the targets, only helping another when needed, knock one bastard down, move to the next, this keeps the fight unpredictable for the targets. They also attacked the painful points which stop someone quick....the face and nose, which is especially sensitive, there were no body blows that I saw. They were cool, confident and they didn't back down. They also didn't stand around looming, once the threat was dealt with, they left. If this had been a "production", you can bet your ass the women would have been gloating as in most tv/movie scenarios where the women have an unlikely win.
4.) People that are the most dangerous, NEVER look like it, see -->> here
5.) I've seen guest instructors at aikido, little 60 yr old women who were at least 2nd or 3rd dan(I do not recall), throwing big guys around like rag dolls, hell they tossed me around and I was 205 at the time. Physics, you bet, but it is also experience and skill.
6.) 8 to 3 isn't a good ratio for a fight, if these morons had recovered a little more quickly and split their numbers 2 or so per woman, this would have ended really badly. I would say it was the training, but there was a bit of luck involved as well. The surprise these girls unleashed could have been reversed quite easily if one of those guys had pulled a knife or a blunt weapon, it doesn't matter how tough you are, a proper knife wound or a pipe to the knee/back of the head will put you at an instant disadvantage.
Some good lessons can be gleaned from this. The most obvious is most people in general are out of shape badly, and couldn't respond to a threat, much less not being trained. Having training isn't always about you, you don't get first aid/medical training for yourself, it is for others, same with martial arts. Second, regardless of how well trained you are, don't be over confident and walk into danger, always be ready to unleash if you need to, but to barrel headlong into it, is just plain stupid. Head on a swivel, I see so many people today just asking to be targeted, looking down at the phone typically, but completely aloof about everything around them, traffic, other people, animals, uneven ground, construction, and so forth.
This is obviously fake and staged, plus gay. Real fighting does not look like that.
True a much smaller trained women can throw around a much bigger guy using their weight against them, but that is not what is happening here.
These guys are being taken down by single punches, and then just laying there. Absolutely no way this is real. This is clearly a staged video to promote their training style or courses.
Plus I Can't find anymore information on this event other than this twitter links. IF this Really happened, and this women wrecked this men like this it would be international news, the feminist would love parading it around showing how easily these small women dismantled these men.
not sure if this is fake or not, but i believe it's not national news is because of the MUSLIM men being perpetrated as bad and attacking women, they don't want that to get out.
Well it's not real. There would at least be some alternative news outlets reporting on it. This video is NOT new either, it's been passed around on twitter before. Shit there'd at least be some twitter post from other accounts sharing it, if it were real. Or maybe a instagram post about it. Nothing, because it was not a real event.
These guys are being taken down by single punches, and then just laying there.
Those with training know where and how to hit to inflict the most damage. So much so that those who were on the receiving end of such a hit would not want to get back up and make themselves a target again. Kind of like saying "okay we get it sorry sorry" without saying it. Just stay on the ground and wish you didn't try to fuck with us kind of thing.
When guys punch other dudes hard enough that they don't want to get up, they're usually stunned on the ground. These guys are rolling around on the ground like it's a WWE royal rumble, clearly acting it out.
Well explained. Much moreso than those glancing at it and going "Feyk and ghey, girls can't beat up boys"
None of the guys' actions looked the least bit staged. IMHO they look like they just got their asses handed to them because they weren't expecting any pushback
"Zero Chance" lol where the do you get this garbage and where are these upvotes coming from, Reddit?
First of all, those faggots in the video averaged 150 lbs., at most. You assessing them as 190lbs. is a total fail on your powers of observation in an effort to bolster your weak opinion.
Any women capable of executing the formidable techniques demonstrated and purposefully MISSING their target are capable of LANDING them. too. The power and speed on display would certainly have caused harm in the areas where the men were clearly struck. The side of the head, the groin, the kick to the face, etc.
Your 'simple physics' bullshit comment implies that weight is the only determining factor of violent physical encounters, meaning no smaller man has a chance against any larger man. Personally, my experience and training would give me an advantage against larger and even younger men than I. However, if I faced off against the 26 yr. old version of my lighter and more formidable self, I would not stand a chance.
I was like ok, never seen women throw down like that. Reminded me of black widow Taking out a dozen security guards while happy fought one. So ridiculous.
Maybe. All I know is if I'm not ready for it my toddler could probably lay me out...not kidding. He has some serious natural ability, so I can see both points. If it's fake, then it's a good one but also dangerous I suppose.
Fake and ghey. The reality is the best trained 120# woman has zero chance against a 190# average athletic man. It’s simple physics. This is some “The Marvels” style wish fulfillment.
You would be surprised. I'm a black belt and I've had plenty of men tell me I hit like a man. I'm not as strong as a man, no comparison, but I will put up a good fight.
Oh..I just noticed the down votes.. lol 😆
well, i'm also assuming that you are fighting trained men. i personally think that a trained woman could tear through untrained men just like these women did in the video. Plus those "men" look like late teens, so it's more than just physicality, it's the mental aspect of it too. maybe the boys aren't used to fighting. the girls were ;)
Not saying it's real because I have no idea. But I could see this happening.
Your exactly right. I train with trained men, 10th Dan, 6th Dan 4th Dan are my teachers. I'm overwhelmed by their speed and strength and I know darn well I can't beat them, but give me a untrained man, I can hold my own. Men think we are trying to compete with them, they are so wrong. We just want to be strong enough in our lives. On the deck I've had lower ranking men hit or block me hard like I was a man. Sure it hurts, but we hide it. I refuse to show weakness to them.
I lost a match when I was a kid and I was pissed because he knocked my tooth loose with a round house. (The kids aren't supposed to hit full strength) He should have at least lost a point and when he didn't I continued to protest and lost another quick point because I was trying to plead my case and not paying attention. After I lost, I stayed and watched his next opponent, which was a girl, wipe the mats with him. It was glorious. I'm glad it was him and not me because she would have kicked my ass too. Girls are WAY more coordinated when they are young than their male counterparts. I didn't stay long enough to see who ultimately won our group, but I'm pretty sure she beat most if not all of those left. She was graceful like a dear, really fast, and had longer legs than most of the boys.
I'll note that this was fighting within rules, and there's a level of maturity required to accomplish that, so girls will have an advantage within that context for a little bit. Boys ' power, speed and strength will overcome on the street, however. On the street, girls have to be even more clever and dirty to survive an outmatched fight and they would still have to flee asap. Now, if they're packing an equalizing tool, the story changes.
My wife puts up good fight, but we always seem to make up in bed.
That is good. You are a good man.
Some men lie to make you feel good. You should know that by now. Go pick a 190 pound dude off the street and see what he thinks of your wonder woman attack.
What a stupid comment. Thugs who pick on women are usually not 'fighters' like a trained woman would be. Women who do martial arts seriously already know their limitations, which is why the the girls here took off as soon as they could safely. Only libtards get drunk and pick fights with men thinking they have a chance in hell.
You are absolutely right. I've noticed on the deck that some men have anger issues with women and try to hurt us.
Well at least I die fighting . No fear
Do have to give you props for this mentality.
I've watched this several times now, doubtful it this is fake.
1.) Muslims who think that women are lower than they are, and should submit are going to let women kick their asses -- hardly. These morons have done this before
2.) In a fight, especially street fights, it's ugly not choreographed like hollyweird. Fighting is 1-3 moves at a time, at most -- punch, kick, throw, push, grab, do what you need to, reassess, repeat, and that is exactly what happened here. The movies have people thinking that street fights flow the same way martial arts happens in film, 15 moves and 15 countermoves.
3.) These guys were surprised, obviously not trained, their normal tactic is to close in with numbers and weren't used to the prey responding with violence. The animals were at most 160#, look at their stances, not balanced what so ever. These three were trained, notice how they split the targets, only helping another when needed, knock one bastard down, move to the next, this keeps the fight unpredictable for the targets. They also attacked the painful points which stop someone quick....the face and nose, which is especially sensitive, there were no body blows that I saw. They were cool, confident and they didn't back down. They also didn't stand around looming, once the threat was dealt with, they left. If this had been a "production", you can bet your ass the women would have been gloating as in most tv/movie scenarios where the women have an unlikely win.
4.) People that are the most dangerous, NEVER look like it, see -->> here
5.) I've seen guest instructors at aikido, little 60 yr old women who were at least 2nd or 3rd dan(I do not recall), throwing big guys around like rag dolls, hell they tossed me around and I was 205 at the time. Physics, you bet, but it is also experience and skill.
6.) 8 to 3 isn't a good ratio for a fight, if these morons had recovered a little more quickly and split their numbers 2 or so per woman, this would have ended really badly. I would say it was the training, but there was a bit of luck involved as well. The surprise these girls unleashed could have been reversed quite easily if one of those guys had pulled a knife or a blunt weapon, it doesn't matter how tough you are, a proper knife wound or a pipe to the knee/back of the head will put you at an instant disadvantage.
Some good lessons can be gleaned from this. The most obvious is most people in general are out of shape badly, and couldn't respond to a threat, much less not being trained. Having training isn't always about you, you don't get first aid/medical training for yourself, it is for others, same with martial arts. Second, regardless of how well trained you are, don't be over confident and walk into danger, always be ready to unleash if you need to, but to barrel headlong into it, is just plain stupid. Head on a swivel, I see so many people today just asking to be targeted, looking down at the phone typically, but completely aloof about everything around them, traffic, other people, animals, uneven ground, construction, and so forth.
Very well written! Thank you
This is obviously fake and staged, plus gay. Real fighting does not look like that.
True a much smaller trained women can throw around a much bigger guy using their weight against them, but that is not what is happening here.
These guys are being taken down by single punches, and then just laying there. Absolutely no way this is real. This is clearly a staged video to promote their training style or courses.
Plus I Can't find anymore information on this event other than this twitter links. IF this Really happened, and this women wrecked this men like this it would be international news, the feminist would love parading it around showing how easily these small women dismantled these men.
Nope, no way this is real.
Edit: finally found some more info about this, and it is indeed FAKE https://factly.in/a-scripted-fight-choreography-video-is-falsely-shared-as-a-real-video-of-three-french-paramilitary-women-personnel-facing-off-molesters/
not sure if this is fake or not, but i believe it's not national news is because of the MUSLIM men being perpetrated as bad and attacking women, they don't want that to get out.
Well it's not real. There would at least be some alternative news outlets reporting on it. This video is NOT new either, it's been passed around on twitter before. Shit there'd at least be some twitter post from other accounts sharing it, if it were real. Or maybe a instagram post about it. Nothing, because it was not a real event.
Edit: finally found some more info about this, and it is indeed FAKE https://factly.in/a-scripted-fight-choreography-video-is-falsely-shared-as-a-real-video-of-three-french-paramilitary-women-personnel-facing-off-molesters/
Those with training know where and how to hit to inflict the most damage. So much so that those who were on the receiving end of such a hit would not want to get back up and make themselves a target again. Kind of like saying "okay we get it sorry sorry" without saying it. Just stay on the ground and wish you didn't try to fuck with us kind of thing.
When guys punch other dudes hard enough that they don't want to get up, they're usually stunned on the ground. These guys are rolling around on the ground like it's a WWE royal rumble, clearly acting it out.
Edit: finally found some more info about this, and it is indeed FAKE https://factly.in/a-scripted-fight-choreography-video-is-falsely-shared-as-a-real-video-of-three-french-paramilitary-women-personnel-facing-off-molesters/
Well explained. Much moreso than those glancing at it and going "Feyk and ghey, girls can't beat up boys"
None of the guys' actions looked the least bit staged. IMHO they look like they just got their asses handed to them because they weren't expecting any pushback
"Zero Chance" lol where the do you get this garbage and where are these upvotes coming from, Reddit?
First of all, those faggots in the video averaged 150 lbs., at most. You assessing them as 190lbs. is a total fail on your powers of observation in an effort to bolster your weak opinion.
Any women capable of executing the formidable techniques demonstrated and purposefully MISSING their target are capable of LANDING them. too. The power and speed on display would certainly have caused harm in the areas where the men were clearly struck. The side of the head, the groin, the kick to the face, etc.
Your 'simple physics' bullshit comment implies that weight is the only determining factor of violent physical encounters, meaning no smaller man has a chance against any larger man. Personally, my experience and training would give me an advantage against larger and even younger men than I. However, if I faced off against the 26 yr. old version of my lighter and more formidable self, I would not stand a chance.
This the legendary Benny 'The Jet' Urquidez. He stands 5'6" and weighs 145lbs. In his prime he could EASILY take down men 1ft taller and 100lbs. heavier than himself.
The very CORE of Martial Arts is PHYSICS.
Yeah, look how hard the woman in white is punching the last guy...if that's fake she overdid it bigtime
I was like ok, never seen women throw down like that. Reminded me of black widow Taking out a dozen security guards while happy fought one. So ridiculous.
Maybe. All I know is if I'm not ready for it my toddler could probably lay me out...not kidding. He has some serious natural ability, so I can see both points. If it's fake, then it's a good one but also dangerous I suppose.