I have been to a Latin mass and also read your catholic bible. Problem is my anccestors fought for the right of every man to be able read an Interpret the bible as he sees fit. While the Catholics fought to keep the word of god for only the so called enlightend (popes, priest).
If it wasn't for this effort you wouldnt even be able to read your bible.
I am inherently biased and the only racism I have ever felt is to Latins. For what they did to the northern christiants and arians shall never be forgiven.
Which of the 40,000 man-made Protestant sects did your ancestors fall for?
Martin Luthers only claim to authority was the fact that he was a Catholic Priest who simply rebelled. He broke his own vies, married a Nun & attempted to edit the bible to fit his ideology:
Opportinistic, Depraved monarch, King Henry VIII wanted a divorce, jumped on the Protestant revolt.
His side chick, Anne Boylin, would later be executed for WITCHCRAFT & her daughter would continue with the occult. Lookup John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I.
The whole idea and point is that, the freedom of your people to interpret as they want the alternative is forcing a certain interpretation it's very simple.
Your idea of history is very narrow . I would say you need to open your heart and mind an except alot of history has been tainted by your Vatican.
I agree man nor women is perfect but let's not measure morality in the times you speak of. You can pick an choose all you want noone can deny the absolute horrors and atrocities the catholic church has caused...
Are presbyterians included?
I have been to a Latin mass and also read your catholic bible. Problem is my anccestors fought for the right of every man to be able read an Interpret the bible as he sees fit. While the Catholics fought to keep the word of god for only the so called enlightend (popes, priest). If it wasn't for this effort you wouldnt even be able to read your bible. I am inherently biased and the only racism I have ever felt is to Latins. For what they did to the northern christiants and arians shall never be forgiven.
Of coarse but remember Never forget always forgive
Which of the 40,000 man-made Protestant sects did your ancestors fall for?
Martin Luthers only claim to authority was the fact that he was a Catholic Priest who simply rebelled. He broke his own vies, married a Nun & attempted to edit the bible to fit his ideology:
Opportinistic, Depraved monarch, King Henry VIII wanted a divorce, jumped on the Protestant revolt.
His side chick, Anne Boylin, would later be executed for WITCHCRAFT & her daughter would continue with the occult. Lookup John Dee & Queen Elizabeth I.
The whole idea and point is that, the freedom of your people to interpret as they want the alternative is forcing a certain interpretation it's very simple. Your idea of history is very narrow . I would say you need to open your heart and mind an except alot of history has been tainted by your Vatican.
I agree man nor women is perfect but let's not measure morality in the times you speak of. You can pick an choose all you want noone can deny the absolute horrors and atrocities the catholic church has caused...
Our road to salvation ended at the cross. You've pretty concisely stated what is wrong with the Catholic church. Latin Mass, seriously? Wow!
Went with a X - girlfriend