The recent failed SpaceX Starship launch flushed out the "Flat Earth" retards in droves, making "FIRMAMENT" trend on Elon Musk's X.com. Is it a psyop targeting fuckwits? Yup. Check this graphic sowing the obvious #'d BOT ACCOUNTS. Each account tweeted random Flat Earth faggotry. INFORMATION WARFARE!
🧠 These people are stupid!

While few people on this earth are equipped to acquire the "quality" of evidence that flat earthers inconsistently demand (personal observation with one's own physical senses has a greater "believable quality" than anything else that can be presented or learned), the flat earth theory doesn't even stand up to its own cross-scrutiny.
For example, flat earth often presents an entirely different visual/model to explain any single phenomenon. Day/night cycle? Here's one model. Seasons? Here's a totally different model. Eclipse? Jet streams? Anything happening in the southern hemisphere? Each scientific explanation has a different presentational model to demonstrate the phenomenon in flat earth theory. The moment you try to use the "incorrect" flat earth model to explain a different phenomenon that the model wasn't designed to explain, the flat earth theory immediately breaks. No "truthful observation" supports all other "truthful observations" through the flat earth perspective of inquiry.
There is no flat earth visual model that can simultaneously explain all of this planet's natural phenomenon at the same time.
The globe earth model doesn't have this weakness. Everything can be explained simultaneously, at the same time. Day/night, eclipses, jet streams, weather, climate, seasons, time zones, etc. Each observable phenomenon supports the truth of another. The supporting truths make it self-evident that the earth is indeed a globe.
In providing us tools to seek out and acquire knowledge, God didn't limit us to our 5 senses (see, hear, touch, feel, taste), he gave us a brain too. The scriptures are loaded with examples of how truths can be revealed/unlocked through ponderous thought and solemn prayer.
Add tides to the list
—Cosmologist George Ellis in Scientific American, "Thinking Globally, Acting Universally", October 1995
Coriolus effect.
Consider the following:
Good points. I'd speculate that quantum computing and ai could have solved these challenges many years ago. Just a thought.
Flat earth society was created by freemasons. Eric Dubay is a freemason. Samuel Rowbotham who wrote Zetetic Astronomy using the pseudonym Parallax was a freemason.
EDIT: I see you, clowns. Downvote me harder. 🤡
I am not at my home computer so I can't give you references but his father was a mason and he uses masonic gestures and symbols. Feel free to do your own research.
And you are correct flat earth and geocentrism existed before Rowbotham. In the 1600s the Catholic church labelled Galileo a heretic, put him on trial for heresy, and sentenced him to life in prison for daring to think for himself. Modern flat earth theory, however, is largely comprised of Rowbotham's works and theories. The majority of flat earth arguments you will hear come directly from him or his successors. Zetetic Astronomy is the flat earth bible.