He is my wife’s cousin’s husband, has served for 16 years, he’s a diehard patriot and serves as a SGM. He was among those deployed for the 2021 inauguration and they ALL knew it was BS. He was there, has recently seen the January 6 tapes, and everything confirms what they’ve all known about the Fedsurrection.
He recently had training at the Capital and stood on the same balcony that CP shot civilians with darts and grenades. He says it was surreal, infuriating to be there, and he says he believes this is a “two tiered system of justice.” 🇺🇸🔥🦅
Two tiered system of justice. Rules for thee.... Not For Me!! Many often wonder how it is that politicians and public "servants" seemingly get away with literal murder and tyrrany with no repercussions. The sad part is those people don't know what the rules are and what they can do to stop it all dead in its tracks.
Look up what a bonded person is. Lookup who must be bonded. Find out who holds such bonds. Research what happens if a bonded individual has their bond revoked. Investigate what types of situations to look for in order to file a claim successfully.
Most people aren't educated with the right information and it leaves them to think their powerless when in fact they hold all the power. Traditionally these things are only taught in a need to know basis, most don't need to know according to those who are bonded. Buyer beware, as Schumer once said, the intelligence agencies have six ways till Sunday of getting back at you. Always remember if you decide to go this route to expect a bumpy ride, they don't take kindly to people that are too smart for their own good, just ask Seth or Isaac.
Carry On!!!
This is an interesting site. https://bondsforthewin.com/