WINNING: In New Zealand. New Government formed ๐Ÿ† - WINNING - ๐Ÿ†
posted ago by SadNZer2 ago by SadNZer2 +219 / -0

In the week when Argentina and Netherlands set a course correction and the Irish are in the streets about Algerians murdering children - this won't make the news. But a government has been formed in NZ - finally.

Highlights of the coalition agreement are (my words):

  • sport to be based on sport and not tranny bullshit
  • race-based preferential treatment to be removed from all legislation
  • racist Maori Health Authority to be disestablished
  • Firearms legislation to be repealed (gun registers, silly restrictions etc to be gutted)
  • Environment and Climate Change nonsense is relegated outside of Cabinet (ie in the wilderness)
  • planning laws changed to restore the right to enjoy property rights
  • tenancy laws repealed to return rights to landlords
  • all existing Covid mandates to end immediately
  • reinstate 3 strikes legislation
  • all government communications to be in English (not Maori)
  • all publicly funded education establishments must support free speech or be de-funded
  • end the ban on oil mining and lots lots more.

The announcement itself was pure comedy gold, with the 78 year old Deputy PM Winston Peters continuously scolding the far-left commie press gallery about their bias - best one was in response to the dumbass question "Do you all trust each other" - his response was something along the lines of "Stop with the stupid games, we all shook hands and we all signed an agreement - I understand that you are all disappointed but YOU LOST"
