Clandestine on X: Unfortunately, most cannot differentiate between what the anonymous poster known as Q said, and what really dumb followers of Q said.

I'm a little confused, to be honest. Does this mean that I should avoid spending any time clicking on posts about significant Deltas? I mean, he called the whole prediction thing batshit. Aren't Delta's the prediction thing?
The irony of everyone endorsing this post when 90% of the activity here is discussing deltas
You sure about those numbers? I'd say they're a minority of posts, most posts are links to news articles.
Logical Fallacy. Appeal to Authority. Make up then deploy numbers.
For example, 90% of the time those who inject %s into their comments are trying to pull a Fauci, trust the experts, con. 😘
Emoji key
😘 == meant to be taken as Love inspired Light Hearted teasing.that hopefully inspires keks and bemused self reflection.
Dont anons determine their own shoulds? Does any anon actually get their shoulds from a Screen World anon?
I mean, that is one of those things you have to decide for yourself. Personally, I don't follow the deltas because nothing came of it when I did, for the better part of 2 years. Same thing with those decodes where someone pastes together 3 Twitter screenshots, 2 memes and a Q post with a couple red lines and circles. These never seem to go anywhere. Do you benefit from these two things? I know some sure do considering the comments under such posts. I don't think everyone who believes in them is crazy, just misguided / "distracted". At the end of the day, gotta use your own discernment.
Deltas refer to the tiny number of seconds between Q posts and Trump tweets. In other words, the almost simultaneous posting of information confirms a connection between Q and Trump. That is all. Deltas have nothing whatsoever to do with predictions or "date fagging".
As /pol/ famously responds, source: trust me, I know stuff?
"Tomorrw is a 5 year delta" is what I was referring to.
Deltas are bullshit.
Tomorrow someone we've heard of will come along and say the deltas are the real deal and we should be paying attention to them. Then what will you do?
What I'm saying is, trust God and trust your guts, and you'll be fine.
I agree. I was just making the comment because of how everyone seemed to be lapping up Clandestine's comment as if it were warm milk and they are kitties.
Notice the verb choice?
"lapping up"
Notice the word choice that erases each anons individuality; replacing it with a hive mind borg?
Notice the implied claim that this word chooser has the ability to read "everyones" mind?
Notice the choice to declare that anons "ARE kitties"...."lapping up Clandestines comments like warm milk"?
Notice the animus towards Clandestine and any anon who doesn't share that animus?
Whoa, dude... chill
Yee, I notice the animus directed to anons who don't think like Clandestine.