Don't leave your home with your phone, pay only in cash and realize anything you bought with a credit card like a subway pass can also identify you, don't drive a car with license plates registered to you, and wear a disguise so as to make it impossible for them to use electronic means to contact trace you.
If your a new Yorker, don't Google symptoms, don't trust your doctor.
Just get out of NY.
Don't leave your home with your phone, pay only in cash and realize anything you bought with a credit card like a subway pass can also identify you, don't drive a car with license plates registered to you, and wear a disguise so as to make it impossible for them to use electronic means to contact trace you.
Or, just move.
Everyone is telling them to move. Where, not down here and bring that crap voting pattern with them.
I think the people that don't like the idea of FEMA camps are probably the people you want to move in.