This may sound crazy and I’m not a wordsmith however, Gardening has taught me a lot about how we are connected to the universe through these elements and they are parallel to the connection to Christ, not what man has defiled. I’ve learned that we have Christ in us and it’s up to us to accept that truth and thrive and live forever or reject (Christ) and live in death forever.
I think he’s saying what you’re saying. If you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior then you are given eternal life. If you deny Jesus, your reward is death and hell (which is to say eternal death/punishment/ being without God).
John 20:22 "He breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit."
John 6:63 "It is the Spirit who gives life"
2 Corinthians 3:17 "And the Lord is the Spirit."
John 14:6 "I am...the life."
i've never understood people who say "the science" disproves the Lord God. He is THE Alpha & Omega. All of this is HIS. so ultimately, science is a creation of His & it will be used to PROVE Him.
Jesus has SOLVED the equation, He has absorbed ALL of our sins. It's like if the nations debt could be wiped out or eliminated overnight by a single person paying if off, Jesus would be the ONE to do that for us all.
This may sound crazy and I’m not a wordsmith however, Gardening has taught me a lot about how we are connected to the universe through these elements and they are parallel to the connection to Christ, not what man has defiled. I’ve learned that we have Christ in us and it’s up to us to accept that truth and thrive and live forever or reject (Christ) and live in death forever.
I think he’s saying what you’re saying. If you accept Jesus as Lord and Savior then you are given eternal life. If you deny Jesus, your reward is death and hell (which is to say eternal death/punishment/ being without God).
Fulfillment of the Law, Wholeness of the Spirit, Oneness with God!
"Let there be light" sounds like an accurate description of the Big Bang.
Where does it say "I am the breath of life"
John 20:22 "He breathed into them and said to them, Receive the Holy Spirit." John 6:63 "It is the Spirit who gives life" 2 Corinthians 3:17 "And the Lord is the Spirit." John 14:6 "I am...the life."
He is the breath of life.
It’s not a quote of Jesus in the Bible. Of the “I am” statements in the gospel of John, that isn’t one.
That said, I believe it that God gives us the breath of life (Gen 2:7, Rev 11:11).
i've never understood people who say "the science" disproves the Lord God. He is THE Alpha & Omega. All of this is HIS. so ultimately, science is a creation of His & it will be used to PROVE Him.
Jesus has SOLVED the equation, He has absorbed ALL of our sins. It's like if the nations debt could be wiped out or eliminated overnight by a single person paying if off, Jesus would be the ONE to do that for us all.
ALL praise to the Lord God in Heaven.