Actually, this is really the only correct interpretation. An important aspect of the narrative war we are in, and the whole concept of 'only at the precipice will the people find the will to change', all focuses on 'disturbing the people out of the comfort induced slumber they / we have been seduced in to.
It's ever the way of these things. At first, we were offered improvements to aspects of life quality through a development of the material environment: washing machines, televisions, automobiles. Then along comes increased focus on convenience: fast food, megalithic corporations running big impersonal stores that provide - so easily - all the stuff we want to buy. Then, the real brainwashing begins, with 'entertainment', packaged information, perks of the 'good life' - vacations, sports, material affluence.
And before you know it, people have been seduced in to thinking that any of this actually means something or makes life better and human beings happier. It's a created slumber, an induced trance in which the painful struggle to survive itself becomes a comfort, aka comfort zone.
To break out, we have to be 'disturbed'; jolted, feel uncomfortable. As in Morpheus's line:
What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.”
The truth is disturbing, and that's why they - the satanic elite - want to, need to, are desperate to prevent the People from seeing it, hearing it, feeling it. Because like the python that devours the fear frozen rodent, they need the people to be asleep while they ingest them, until swallowed in to slavery, they cannot escape.
We might say, prior to the Great Awakening comes the Great Disturbance. For many, 2020-21 and Covid Scam was that experience. All I can say is, whoever rigged it so that Joe Biden stole the election, well, well done. Cos you have only increased the level of disturbance in the mind of the average joe.
Disturbed by the evil we see going on the in the world; not mentally disturbed.
Which is unsettling, don't you think? Almost... disturbing.
Actually, this is really the only correct interpretation. An important aspect of the narrative war we are in, and the whole concept of 'only at the precipice will the people find the will to change', all focuses on 'disturbing the people out of the comfort induced slumber they / we have been seduced in to.
It's ever the way of these things. At first, we were offered improvements to aspects of life quality through a development of the material environment: washing machines, televisions, automobiles. Then along comes increased focus on convenience: fast food, megalithic corporations running big impersonal stores that provide - so easily - all the stuff we want to buy. Then, the real brainwashing begins, with 'entertainment', packaged information, perks of the 'good life' - vacations, sports, material affluence.
And before you know it, people have been seduced in to thinking that any of this actually means something or makes life better and human beings happier. It's a created slumber, an induced trance in which the painful struggle to survive itself becomes a comfort, aka comfort zone.
To break out, we have to be 'disturbed'; jolted, feel uncomfortable. As in Morpheus's line:
The truth is disturbing, and that's why they - the satanic elite - want to, need to, are desperate to prevent the People from seeing it, hearing it, feeling it. Because like the python that devours the fear frozen rodent, they need the people to be asleep while they ingest them, until swallowed in to slavery, they cannot escape.
We might say, prior to the Great Awakening comes the Great Disturbance. For many, 2020-21 and Covid Scam was that experience. All I can say is, whoever rigged it so that Joe Biden stole the election, well, well done. Cos you have only increased the level of disturbance in the mind of the average joe.