These people want Christianity gone and have been working on it for decades. They have now gotten into the brains of our stupid mind-controlled citizens.
There was no reason for the White House tree to die I believe it was poisoned to not have the Christmas tree there, of course all the help came from this administration.
Trees just don't die and fall over. They are deemed diseased and removed before they fall over. Our city does that don't think the White House grounds are not looked after.
So I believe they poisoned our tree because it will take years to grow another one!
These people want Christianity gone and have been working on it for decades. They have now gotten into the brains of our stupid mind-controlled citizens.
There was no reason for the White House tree to die I believe it was poisoned to not have the Christmas tree there, of course all the help came from this administration.
Trees just don't die and fall over. They are deemed diseased and removed before they fall over. Our city does that don't think the White House grounds are not looked after.
So I believe they poisoned our tree because it will take years to grow another one!
These trees are cut from somewhere else (in this case Arizona), and brought in, like the big one in New York. It's not a tree planted on the grounds.