The [Zionist Israeli's] would never dress up as the enemy and attack their own countrymen, nor would they paint their planes black and paint over identifying emblems (star of David), and then attack the USS Liberty, never! I can't figure out why nobody likes them..Also, bye bye Henry, may you roast for eternity!!
Probably telling others that the people at the festival were being shot down by their own IDF in helicopters, not the guys in the floating go-carts.
Exactly. We can’t let people know that Israel invaded Israel. 🤣😂
The [Zionist Israeli's] would never dress up as the enemy and attack their own countrymen, nor would they paint their planes black and paint over identifying emblems (star of David), and then attack the USS Liberty, never! I can't figure out why nobody likes them..Also, bye bye Henry, may you roast for eternity!!
Who is Henry??
Oh… got it!
much like the CIA does not represent the people of the USA, the MOSSAD does not represent the people of Israel.
They are both intel agencies of global Freemasonry.
they have no loyalties to NATIONS or PEOPLES. they belong to the Lodge & their alliances & sworn oaths BELONG TO THE LODGE.
i remember when witnesses to the Vegas attack years ago, were getting killed off because they were spreading truths that exposed the false flag.
witnesses to the Masonic murder, using their CIA puppets, of JFK were killed in the months after the ritual assassination.
clown world
Coming soon to a district near you.
Why should they be unvoluntarily committed? It sounds like they're scared........I mean the Government.
Exactly! Once they’re in the facility, they can brainwash them with MK ultra