They pump fund into so called “greentech”, which includes plenty of startups building API integrations between themselves to usher the CO2 measurement despotism which they can fake the way they want, with likely 1 control center for everything.
All these woke startups will have no value and will collapse massively at once as soon as the climate scam becomes exposed.
These money will be wasted and will disappear in 1 day following the avalanche of bankruptcies within the “greentech” industry.
They pump fund into so called “greentech”, which includes plenty of startups building API integrations between themselves to usher the CO2 measurement despotism which they can fake the way they want, with likely 1 control center for everything.
All these woke startups will have no value and will collapse massively at once as soon as the climate scam becomes exposed.
These money will be wasted and will disappear in 1 day following the avalanche of bankruptcies within the “greentech” industry.
👆👆👆👆👆 This.