Dec. 2, 2023 As I was reading someone’s prophetic word about how God will end Church as usual, the Holy Spirit took me to a huge library than to many schools where the Spirits of immorality and I saw first myself, then other anointed believers joining me walking into each building to find the books and Command aloud for each Spirit in book, audio and video forms of perversions of every kind individually “BURN” and every copy of it anywhere. I saw books, videos and tapes burst into flames and a pile of ashes remain while many watched in horror and amazement.
As I was trying to go back to sleep after taking dogs potty early this morning, I heard myself say, “where’s your eyeball?” Then I saw a child laying under a sheet where I had just pulled it back and the child looked back at me and they were missing an eyeball that had been gouged out, then a completely covered child but when I pulled the covers off of this unmoving child, I was horrified to find that they had been skinned alive in some sort of sacrifice I assume. Then I saw that I was looking I saw the inside a tunnel or cave around me. I began crying and pleaded, no Lord, please don’t show me these things unless You are gonna let me do something about it. The. I heard the main line from the song ‘Dry Bones’. ‘We call out to dry bones, come alive!’ And I saw myself and others placing hands upon injured and maimed and healing them and crying out to the dead ‘COME ALIVE!’ And it happening. The Lord has called His remnant to ACT in His name, He gives Power and Authority for us to use in His name for us to wield and reach others, He want us to wake up and use it to reach others.
I too connect with the song “ Dry Bones “ I resonate calling forth dead spiritual people to come alive … God certainly is using this very prophetic scripture to awaken those who will listen to His spirit . Thank you for sharing .. God Bless you my friend and I pray that God continues to use you .. He is looking for those who will allow Him to use mightily in these end times !
Awesome read! Thanks for sharing!
That’s wonderful. God showed you a vision of what’s to come. I’m so excited for what is coming. When the glory hits this earth it’s going to be mind shattering. I’ve had several dreams, and just a week ago I had an encounter with what I’m convinced was an Angel. He was in human form, but very powerful with his words and questions to me. My daughter at 3 saw an Angel that visited her room often and I would sit in the hall and listen to her conversation with him. She said her was tall to the ceiling with long white hair and big white wings. His name was Tommy. She was battling cancer at the time. She passed 10 months later but was smiling and looking at the corner of the room when she took her last breath. Either Jesus or Tommy took her home, or maybe it was both.
My Angel is named Sr. Vinciente, he contacts me through my neice. He said he cannot show me his face until he gets to take me home. Twice he stopped me from dangerous falls by putting me in slow motion, like in the matrix.
That is amazing. Around Christmas I always think about the Alabama song Angels Among Us.
Considering I literally just heard this same thing from someone else 30 minutes ago, I believe you are hearing from God
My friend, your dream was more clear than that. You were just called upon to HEAL and RESURRECT others. Not just the spiritually dead. The dead. The maimed. The tortured. The wounded. The sick. “Lazarus! COME FORTH!!!!”
You say it right there yet you took a step back and opted to see that as symbolic of simply reaching out and waking people up?
You can be Morpheus or you can be Neo. The one seeking to wake the one because he lacks the faith to do it himself. The one who dabbles. Who gets it in theory but not in practice. Who preaches it, who feels it deep down but refuses to see it in himself…or you can let go of fear and doubt completely and realize that in this reality, or in any other reality that ever was or ever will be, you are the Neo you are looking for.
When David Dunn realizes what he is he asks Elijah Price what he should do now. Elijah replies: “Go where people are.” David takes to a train station and stands in the middle of the bustling crowd, raising his arms from his side to make contact with as many people as possible…he makes the choice to believe…closes his eyes…and decides to trust what he sees in his mind.
“There are powerful people out there who don’t want us to know the truth about ourselves. I believe that if just a few of us start to see what we are truly capable of, others will awaken. We give each other permission to be superheroes. We will never awaken otherwise.”
I have woke up in the middle of the might several times lately with that song in my head and seeing myself going round to several cemetaries quoting the Prophecy from Ezekiel to Dry Bones
My buddy encouraged me to pray for healing with faith and confidence, with powerful results of course. He had prayed for my neck, which had a painful "crick" in it for like 4 or 5 months that felt like bone-on-bone, and instantly it was healed, leaving behind only a faint remnant that went away over the next couple of hours. So that being a good pattern and example for me, I often pray for others, like heart conditions, etc., and command the issue to be healed in Jesus's name.
Never in scripture do we see anybody begging God for healing. It's always commanding the healing and expecting instant results.
Related: recently the Lord also showed me how to pray effectually for our leaders.
I posted this as a thread here:
Now, how do I know it's over the target? I got downvotes and then a demoniac trolling me in the comments.
This is good
And me, not the first horrific thing Je has shown me though.
I just got a note from mods that I was permanently banned from this site for low quality posts and talking back. I don’t understand what I did wring.
Yeah, it was a fake and a shill
This is intense. Funny thing is, the message I got this morning in a sermon was Matthew 17:20- And Jesus said unto them, Because of your unbelief; for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible to you.
Wow. I don't know what else to say.
Wow. I’m awake but need to start listening more closely.
Bless you for sharing your dream. It is time the BRIDE WEARS COMBAT BOOTS. I, like you, told the Lord I didn't want to see, hear about or read about these crimes against the children and He said, DON'T TURN AWAY. I know there is a place of comfort we can walk in regarding what the Lord desires to share with us.........BUT IT IS HARD.
Yes, it is. My family and some friends think me crazy. They discredit the works Jesus said in Mark 16:15-18 and completely overlook verse 17
My favorite reply to the ones who "have no clue"........THE BIBLE SAYS THE BELIEVERS WILL DO THESE THINGS. WHICH ONES ARE YOU DOING? We, as believers can do NOTHING without Him, BUT with Him we are might to the pulling down of strongholds.
So, how do the twelve tribes figure in there?
More. Tell us more about your dreams and experiences.