Canadian cancer patient told condition untreatable, doctors offer government-assisted suicide—she gets life-saving surgery in th...
“How can you prioritize cases so that people with aggressive stage four cancer get seen by someone and when they do get seen, they get offered treatment and not MAiD like I was the first time?”
Wait until she learns the cure has been hidden from her--and from all the general public--for decades.
TURDEAU is a child-raping, torturing, drinking the blood of, sacrificing then eating HELLMINTH.
My first wife died of cancer at age 33, now almost 10 years ago. I wish I knew then what I know now, would have taken a completely different approach!
MAID is some evil BS. I read a piece maybe 6-8 months ago where a mother and daughter were considering it not because they were terminal, but basically because they were poor.
Romney Care. O'Homo care. Now they have ALL our medical. Saving all kinds of $$, just like they said it would. /s What ever happened to ending Obummercare? All those illegals from the border are on it. Probably get a med card at the border when they pick up their O'homo phones, the 9000$ in plastic money, and the tickets to Pedo World, after a quick drop off of a border kid to some pedo pusher.