156 PlaneFags Assemble! What in the world is going on off the coast of San Diego? (media.greatawakening.win) ✈️ Planefags ✈️ posted 1 year ago by ForgotOther2Accounts 1 year ago by ForgotOther2Accounts +156 / -0 39 comments download share 39 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Slightly OT, but I love the term planefags. I also have no idea how I would begin to explain it out of the blue to a normie. 😄
"You see Mr Normie, whatever you like to do, you're a fag at it. If you're into sports, you're a sportsfag, if you predict things you're a datefag, and if you're gay you're a gayfag."
"...and if you're someone who likes to smoke, you're a fagfag."
and if you're someone who enjoys a bud light with your fag then you're a tranny fagfag. It's simple math.
Or if you like British meatballs with all of that, you're a faggotfag
Might be the greatest achievement of this whole right awakening movement. It’s OK to use the word fag again. LOL