GAW Poll: What 1 issue do you all think is the singular most important issue to expose the world to?
I'll start: The Uniparty
Once this is exposed not only will issues that candidates represent become the primary reasons to vote for someone but it will also make the exposure of treason, crimes against hunanity, etc be easier to swallow, since we know both "sides" are guilty of it.
Great points. I think this is important, but will happen as a consequence of another exposure of crime, like the crimes against children coming to light.
Yes, I agree, although i do not think it will simply be one or another issue or crime. Rather, the accumulation of more and more information getting out there, and people being exposed more and more, and thus beginning to question or doubt the Propaganda more and more, I expect this to continue until the proverbial dam wall breaks.
And I think we're getting close to it, too!