After watching Tucker's interview last night, it occurred to me that they were both playing a role in that video perhaps.
Seemed very much like a bunch of soft pills geared towards center right normies while simultaneously allowing AJ to reenter the movie in a more positive light compared to years past.
Yes. Tucker 15-20 years ago was libertarian, Ron Paul…. Conspiracy light. Even on his Fox show he started covering UFOs more seriously. You can speak about “conspiracy” type subjects without looking like a full lunatic. I love AJ but sometimes he gets so emotional he ruins his own case. But we needed that for a while.
Right now, he’s got to come center right and slowly pull the average conservative back i to reality. Q said you are made to feel crazy and alone. Tucker has talked about JFK assasinations. UFOs. Mkultra. Toxins in the food. Many subjects AJ talks about but Tucker does it in a way that is palatable for the masses. All is well.
People were shown how information manipulation can literally destroy a country and our decision making process. Assange said that censorship is extremely dangerous. Because we don’t know what part of a story were missing. Censorship literally changed an election and has us on the verge of war and national bankruptcy. The people censoring are wealthy elites that delete any information that doesn’t benefit them. Mark Zuckerburg and google legit have power of life and death over the outcomes of national debates. It ends now.
If “conspiracy no more” was a real statement. Why not let Alex Jones lead the way.
Looks to me like all of it was part of the plan.
After watching Tucker's interview last night, it occurred to me that they were both playing a role in that video perhaps.
Seemed very much like a bunch of soft pills geared towards center right normies while simultaneously allowing AJ to reenter the movie in a more positive light compared to years past.
Yes. Tucker 15-20 years ago was libertarian, Ron Paul…. Conspiracy light. Even on his Fox show he started covering UFOs more seriously. You can speak about “conspiracy” type subjects without looking like a full lunatic. I love AJ but sometimes he gets so emotional he ruins his own case. But we needed that for a while.
Right now, he’s got to come center right and slowly pull the average conservative back i to reality. Q said you are made to feel crazy and alone. Tucker has talked about JFK assasinations. UFOs. Mkultra. Toxins in the food. Many subjects AJ talks about but Tucker does it in a way that is palatable for the masses. All is well.
People were shown how information manipulation can literally destroy a country and our decision making process. Assange said that censorship is extremely dangerous. Because we don’t know what part of a story were missing. Censorship literally changed an election and has us on the verge of war and national bankruptcy. The people censoring are wealthy elites that delete any information that doesn’t benefit them. Mark Zuckerburg and google legit have power of life and death over the outcomes of national debates. It ends now.
If “conspiracy no more” was a real statement. Why not let Alex Jones lead the way.
Yes, it's looking more and more like that.