250 What are the odds of 2 tickets being sold at the same gas station? Are we about to find out the lottery is rigged? (www.nbclosangeles.com) posted 1 year ago by killacommieforyourmo 1 year ago by killacommieforyourmo +250 / -0 Encino gas station sells two winning Mega Millions lottery tickets An Encino gas station remarkably sold two winning lottery tickets on the same night, with the lucky tickets worth a total jackpot of almost $400 million. 106 comments share 106 comments share save hide report block hide replies
I don't think it's that complicated. Basically in each sport there are ticky-tack, 50/50 calls that are game changing.
All the refs have to do to swing the game a possession or two is make a bad call or two at the right moment. For the NBA it's putting a key player in foul trouble.
I'm not sure what they do as far as baseball.
Allen Iverson exposed this long ago.
Exactly. Balance of game flow & desired outcome are controlled through refs. Every sport.
There's no "officiating" that's worse than that in pro hockey.