WARNING: WEF has predicted their war game scenario “Cyber Polygon” will occur “before 2025”, i.e. most likely during the 2024 election year.

Reminds me of the predictive programming in the 2011 blockbuster Contagion (which was prominently displayed on Netflix @ the start of the pandemic
H/T u/kek_saved_the_world
People don't actually understand what will happen when the grid goes down.
You can only survive 72 hours without water. No electricity means NO WATER PUMPS.
Within the first month of the power being out 25m+ people will be dead already. Everyone who doesnt have food/water will be moving into FEMA camps. Digital ID, forced vaccines to get your rations, etc.
There will be roaming gangs(small paramilitary groups who invaded the southern border and ARMED BY OBAMA) will be PURGING neighborhoods.
We will suffer WAY more than they will. They will be hanging out on Bill Gates yacht while they watch the first ever HUNGER GAMES
Wow...you believe this is what's coming? Surprised you hang out at the rosy ga.w.
This is how it happens…
Or the pilot episode of The Lone Gunman back in March 2001,a Chris Carter produced X Files type show, which involved planes crashing into the twin towers via terrorists which then magically happened 6 months later lol
I agree it will be crazy and a lot will perish if such a thing happens but i think the no law and order thing cuts both ways.
i don't think these gangs will last very long with 100million armed Americans, gangs are protected by law and order if it was open season on every scumbag they would not last long, bit like how the wild west ended quickly or what happened in the Philippines.
I don't think that will happen though as Q is trying to do things to minimize the damage so we don't end up in apocalypse.
Although its always good to prepared and if i have to go out like scarface i will be okay with that haha.
but no gloom/doom here right
I have an old fashioned hand pump in my backyard. Only cost about $200! No need for electricity!