WARNING: WEF has predicted their war game scenario “Cyber Polygon” will occur “before 2025”, i.e. most likely during the 2024 election year.

WEF Cyber Polygon short explanation from the horses mouth:
Cyber attack with COVD characteristics? Wtf.
yep and all most people are thinking of is YEAH that will force paper ballots for the 2024 election. who in the hell is thinking about voting when they have no water, heat, food or a clean shitter? good freaking grief.
There needs to be an event to force the chip/ mark of the beast tagged to Cbdc.
This is why General Flynn and colonel mcgreggor say there may not be an election in 2024. The vote spread is beyond rigging at this point.
No election then no one is elected. They’re terms are then up and they are no longer figures of authority. All bets are off
LOL, in that case don't install any anti-virus, because it won't work to stop the infection or spread, but will cause all sorts of sudden system deaths.
Mcafee bloat ware mRNA edition