Was Illinois’ 2022 general election valid?
Election integrity advocates have grown tired of the information war that declares our elections as the “safest and most secure in history.” No matter how many outrageous mistakes we uncover, officials defending our current political syst...
IL hasn't had a valid election since the mid 1800s
1700s if you localize it to Chicago.
Probably none of them..it's the "machine"
I don’t know a single person that voted for Pritzker. If you see a sign in somebody’s yard with his name, it’s followed by “sucks”. The Chicago pop is so dense, they want you to believe all of Chicago is so insane that they ALL voted for him. It was completely stolen just like all the states. They used minorities and now they are using illegals because minorities have caught on to their grift.
No way in hell Pritler won.
Not remotely so.
Same with PA.
None of them are and haven’t been for decades and decades.
Please read the article and see the numbers. The article and work being completed by United Sovereign Americans is focusing on the issues with the voter rolls and the violations of Black Letter Laws that define federal and state election laws. This effort is not a left or right issue, and is not about overturning, but protecting the future. It is a violation of all Americans Civil Rights. Many states are joining the effort, and volunteers are needed in each state. If your state is listed, get involved, go to Unite4Freedom.com.
If u want ro have a fair election, we can't let the leftist count the votes. They'll never win again, ever.