The primary method by which the truth is hidden is through exploitation of cognitive dissonance. If you allow yourself to really look at the evidence in earnest, the only reasonable conclusion is that we live in a world similar to 1984, or A Brave New World, or The Matrix.
The evidence points to that conclusion, but that conclusion is coupled with "you live in a world that is the opposite of everything you have been taught, everything you believe, everything everyone else you know believes." That realization leads to a completely unsafe space, where you will be totally alone and isolated from humanity. There is no where you can be safe in that world. But people need to feel safe. People need to feel "together" with others. Both safety and community are primal.
The evidence conflicts with belief, that is the definition of "cognitive dissonance." It is a discord, like two notes played together that make no sense, that make you scrunch up your face, waiting for the concord that will resolve it. When experiencing cognitive dissonance the mind ceases it's ability to function until the dissonance is resolved. We rely on our beliefs to function. I suggest that is a matter of training rather than necessity, but that's a different discussion. Regardless, the mind must rectify the discord before it can move on.
The evidence provided by the government in this case is really bad, but it is also a path that is offered back to a "safe space." So the options are "safety and community," or "you, your children, your neighbors, and the whole world are completely fucked, and everyone will hate you."
Taking the "safety and community" path is obvious, even if you have to alter the evidence or ignore it completely. You've been offered a safe path. You take it.
It's not "perfectly retarded," it's training to believe in safety, and a need for community, coupled with an opportunity, by The Authority that you have been trained to trust, to hold on to the beliefs you already have.
Exploitations of cognitive dissonance. That is how Big Brother stays Big.
One has to be perfectly retarded not to see the absurdity of the Pentagon crash story
The primary method by which the truth is hidden is through exploitation of cognitive dissonance. If you allow yourself to really look at the evidence in earnest, the only reasonable conclusion is that we live in a world similar to 1984, or A Brave New World, or The Matrix.
The evidence points to that conclusion, but that conclusion is coupled with "you live in a world that is the opposite of everything you have been taught, everything you believe, everything everyone else you know believes." That realization leads to a completely unsafe space, where you will be totally alone and isolated from humanity. There is no where you can be safe in that world. But people need to feel safe. People need to feel "together" with others. Both safety and community are primal.
The evidence conflicts with belief, that is the definition of "cognitive dissonance." It is a discord, like two notes played together that make no sense, that make you scrunch up your face, waiting for the concord that will resolve it. When experiencing cognitive dissonance the mind ceases it's ability to function until the dissonance is resolved. We rely on our beliefs to function. I suggest that is a matter of training rather than necessity, but that's a different discussion. Regardless, the mind must rectify the discord before it can move on.
The evidence provided by the government in this case is really bad, but it is also a path that is offered back to a "safe space." So the options are "safety and community," or "you, your children, your neighbors, and the whole world are completely fucked, and everyone will hate you."
Taking the "safety and community" path is obvious, even if you have to alter the evidence or ignore it completely. You've been offered a safe path. You take it.
It's not "perfectly retarded," it's training to believe in safety, and a need for community, coupled with an opportunity, by The Authority that you have been trained to trust, to hold on to the beliefs you already have.
Exploitations of cognitive dissonance. That is how Big Brother stays Big.
Excellent analysis of cognitive dissonance.
You sound just like Andrew Tate. Fantastic. I appreciate your breakdown. I th ink thatβs entirely it and can be applied to many topics.