Watch video on report of the University of Alaska engineering department on collapse of WTC 7. A four year study concluding it was most likely a controlled demolition. And if so, was WTC 1 and 2 the result of box cutters on airplanes?
I have. That's happening at the very end of the collapse sequence
I remember when Small Change came out I found it very persuasive. Especially on WTC 7, but a friend and I started discussing it and we found it was highly manipulative.
When you see the VIDEO EVIDENCE of WTC 7, there's a couple of things to note.
We don't see the bottom half of the building. This is where the collapse is believed to have started. The bottom half of building is blocked by other fairly tall buildings in NYC
The second thing a lot of sites don't show you the full collapse sequence, just the end. When you look at the full collapse sequence, you see all sorts things happening on one side of the building, then on the roof and THEN the building fully goes down.
As for the free fall.
Imagine two 12 foot ladders next to each other a few feet part.
Now imagine you stack them up 10 of these on top of each other. So you have 120 feet of ladders side by side
These wouldn't be able to stand up by themselves.
Now imagine for every 10 feet the two sides are connected to each other So one stack of ladders next to another with 12 connections running between them. Now you have a structure that can stand because these connections form a lateral brace where each ladder stack supports the other.
Now imagine there's structural failure towards the bottom of the ladders. A failure that starts ripping out the bracing from the bottom to the top. Once all those lateral supports are gone, the ladders are going to go down.
This is similar to what happened in WTC 7. It was built with a tube in tube structure.
So you have a inner box and outer box, but each box needs supports from the other.
So how's that affect my ladders. When basically imagine you can only see the outer ladder. The free fall collapse occurs after the inside ladder has fallen and all the supports are gone. And the video is only looking at the top of the ladders.
So where's my evidence for this? Does my metaphor stand up?
Here's a gif of the full collapse sequence. Is there evidence of some sort of interior collapse.
YES. Look at the roof. Something on the left side of the roof collapses INTO the building. Notice all the windows that start to break on the left. Then on the right.
The second thing to note is WTC had like 50 floors. It was over 700 feet high. We don't see all 50 floors here. Unlike 1 or 2 we don't see the point of collapse. It's blocked by other buildings.
Also fact about WTC? Hours before it collapsed the NY Fire Department cleared a collapse zone around it. Because they started seeing creaking metal and noticed earlier in the day, one of the corners of building started to bulge.....this is a sign of structural failure.
This argument is bogus completely. It is full of gratuitous complexity so as to hide the simplicity of the conservation of energy argument that I give elsewhere on this page. No amount of complexity can change the fact that, to quote the head of NIST at the first press conference after 9/11 "a structure cannot undergo progressive collapse at free fall".
Did you see how the structures on the roof collapsed first straight into the building?
Because if you miss that you're going to be off on this
as to hide the simplicity of the conservation of energy argument
A. You won't see the full collapse process
And thus
B. The timing will be completely off
C. Free fall does not describe the full collapse sequence. It describes a portion of the end of the collapse sequence for about 2 and 1/2 seconds
The left side of the roof seems to collapse about 4 seconds before the rest of the building itself collapses.
To simplify this if you have a 50-story building. And the support structure is on floors 5 through 10 are completely destroyed. Floors 30 to 50 are just simply going straight down. As you noted, potential energy becoming kinetic energy at that point.
At about 5:20 p.m., the collapse sequence began. First, the east and west penthouses disappeared from view, followed by progressive collapse, apparently on a lower floor. Videotapes show the upper 30 to 35 stories appearing to descend intact, indicating the collapse was initiated on a lower floor. Just before the collapse, a crack or “kink” or fault line developed along the north wall in the vicinity of the east penthouse located over transfer trusses 1 and 2 on the east side.
And kudos to making a scientific argument on this topic. It's refreshing.
Imagine two 12 foot ladders next to each other a few feet part.
I was 1/2 block away from 9/11. The 2nd plane flew over my head as I stood on the Battery. This is my wheelhouse. This is no innocent, ordinary conversation you're engaging in here. You are absolutely 100% a professional shill.
WTC7 was not really a building, it was a Category 5 bunker—that's literally the highest category attainable for any building anywhere in the world. Salomon Smith Barney's trading floor (two floors high, BTW) was right there in the middle of that building, and before they agreed to become tenants, they demanded that WTC7 spend an additional $150 million upgrading the building.
I'm sending you packing. You aren't welcome here. This isn't about creating an echo chamber. Your replied are so expertly fucked that you are guaranteed IC.
Have you watched the VIDEO EVIDENCE of Bldg 7 collapsing at free fall acceleration??
Please explain how this can happen without human intervention! I’ll wait.
Watch video on report of the University of Alaska engineering department on collapse of WTC 7. A four year study concluding it was most likely a controlled demolition. And if so, was WTC 1 and 2 the result of box cutters on airplanes?
I have. That's happening at the very end of the collapse sequence
I remember when Small Change came out I found it very persuasive. Especially on WTC 7, but a friend and I started discussing it and we found it was highly manipulative.
When you see the VIDEO EVIDENCE of WTC 7, there's a couple of things to note.
We don't see the bottom half of the building. This is where the collapse is believed to have started. The bottom half of building is blocked by other fairly tall buildings in NYC
The second thing a lot of sites don't show you the full collapse sequence, just the end. When you look at the full collapse sequence, you see all sorts things happening on one side of the building, then on the roof and THEN the building fully goes down.
As for the free fall.
Imagine two 12 foot ladders next to each other a few feet part.
Now imagine you stack them up 10 of these on top of each other. So you have 120 feet of ladders side by side
These wouldn't be able to stand up by themselves.
Now imagine for every 10 feet the two sides are connected to each other So one stack of ladders next to another with 12 connections running between them. Now you have a structure that can stand because these connections form a lateral brace where each ladder stack supports the other.
Now imagine there's structural failure towards the bottom of the ladders. A failure that starts ripping out the bracing from the bottom to the top. Once all those lateral supports are gone, the ladders are going to go down.
This is similar to what happened in WTC 7. It was built with a tube in tube structure.
You can see that here. It's the one that looks like a box with a box. it's described here as a core tube is surrounded by an exterior tube that interact horizontally.
So you have a inner box and outer box, but each box needs supports from the other.
So how's that affect my ladders. When basically imagine you can only see the outer ladder. The free fall collapse occurs after the inside ladder has fallen and all the supports are gone. And the video is only looking at the top of the ladders.
So where's my evidence for this? Does my metaphor stand up?
Here's a gif of the full collapse sequence. Is there evidence of some sort of interior collapse.
YES. Look at the roof. Something on the left side of the roof collapses INTO the building. Notice all the windows that start to break on the left. Then on the right.
The second thing to note is WTC had like 50 floors. It was over 700 feet high. We don't see all 50 floors here. Unlike 1 or 2 we don't see the point of collapse. It's blocked by other buildings.
Also fact about WTC? Hours before it collapsed the NY Fire Department cleared a collapse zone around it. Because they started seeing creaking metal and noticed earlier in the day, one of the corners of building started to bulge.....this is a sign of structural failure.
Thanks for waiting.
This argument is bogus completely. It is full of gratuitous complexity so as to hide the simplicity of the conservation of energy argument that I give elsewhere on this page. No amount of complexity can change the fact that, to quote the head of NIST at the first press conference after 9/11 "a structure cannot undergo progressive collapse at free fall".
Did you watch the gif play?
Did you see how the structures on the roof collapsed first straight into the building?
Because if you miss that you're going to be off on this
Because. A. You won't see the full collapse process And thus B. The timing will be completely off
C. Free fall does not describe the full collapse sequence. It describes a portion of the end of the collapse sequence for about 2 and 1/2 seconds
The left side of the roof seems to collapse about 4 seconds before the rest of the building itself collapses.
To simplify this if you have a 50-story building. And the support structure is on floors 5 through 10 are completely destroyed. Floors 30 to 50 are just simply going straight down. As you noted, potential energy becoming kinetic energy at that point.
Here's how an engineer described what I'm trying to say about the roof.
And kudos to making a scientific argument on this topic. It's refreshing.
I was 1/2 block away from 9/11. The 2nd plane flew over my head as I stood on the Battery. This is my wheelhouse. This is no innocent, ordinary conversation you're engaging in here. You are absolutely 100% a professional shill.
WTC7 was not really a building, it was a Category 5 bunker—that's literally the highest category attainable for any building anywhere in the world. Salomon Smith Barney's trading floor (two floors high, BTW) was right there in the middle of that building, and before they agreed to become tenants, they demanded that WTC7 spend an additional $150 million upgrading the building.
I'm sending you packing. You aren't welcome here. This isn't about creating an echo chamber. Your replied are so expertly fucked that you are guaranteed IC.
Please explain the nano thermite particles found in the debris field of the N, S towers (without referencing ladders kek).