Disgusting?? HELL YES !! But if you can’t see The Difference and Aren’t not just Disgusted but Beyond Enraged by the Second FACT… WE ARE NOT THE SAME🤨🤨
🧠 These people are stupid!

The world is ran by psychopaths who will fuck anything with a hole.
I truly wonder if some parasite or demon makes these people what they are. Or it’s some psychological thing where they get tired of fucking the other gender so then they fuck the same gender to get a high from that then rape the poor children after that to get the new high.
The second part of that is a convenient cabal lie.
The US Government was having a honeypot ran against it's politicians, industry leaders, and celebrities by MOSSAD for Israel.
That is why Israel's leaders are so arrogant that they tell the world they run the United States. They do through blackmail and bribery.
To assume we're all the same and not completely different from each other is basically like communism in a nutshell, one of the most heinous of Marxist lies to be preached from the deepest depths of hell.
That fact that both are being talked about endlessly with no action taken by anyone in authority shows how “normalized” this behavior has become. The mere fact that Bill Clinton is still able to speak in public and have lunch with Roman Polanski is tawdry enough but as we see each level of accepted depravity getting deeper than the one before it, we have become desensitized to the point of paralysis.
Somewhere there exists the videos recorded at Epstein’s Island and at his mansions in AZ and NYC, somewhere that Frazzled.rip video exists of Hillary and Huma, somewhere the knowledge of what happened to those children on Maui, somewhere there exists the flight logs of the “Lolita Express”. Will the paralysis become so complete that it all devolves into background noise and garner little more than muffled groans from anyone even paying attention let alone authorities vested with the power to cuff and perp walk these criminals??
We are not fully at the "they wont be able to walk down the street" part
But who was the person filming and driving home the point? 🤔
First, there was the Senate page scandal. They were doing their page trainees. Then House Speaker Dennis Hastert got busted for pedophilia. Then there was the Boys Town (Franklin) coverup. D.C. was importing boys from a famous orphanage in Omaha. By the time Pizza Gate rolled around, I did a total pivot. D.C. isn't a swamp, it's a black hole.
Need to save this in case it cup at family get togethers. Knowing mine it won't come up.
Ummm, but both things are true. I mean, it was a staffer getting plowed, but still.
This place has been talking about it ad-nauseam for goodness sake.
OP, I love your stuff but this doesn't make sense.
It does make sense.. Its about the shock factor. Normies are SHOCKED that there are faggots in the senate recording porn. Meanwhile pizzagate and epstein is a fantastical conspiracy theory to them thats hard to believe.
Welcome to the Great Awakening.
That's right...damn you people just waking up and figuring things out!
How dare you try to align yourself with us, peons!
We are better than you'll ever be!!!
We must prevent unity of any kind! You stay over there divided from us!
Such ego horseshit everywhere you turn lately... just fuck off with that shit already.
If you're in the limelight, a common household name, you're dirty and compromised, baring very, very few individuals.
They're ALL secret handshake pervs - because they don't let you weild ANY power or influence if you're not. Wake the fuck up already. Niggas flexin on normies because they think they know something... most don't know shit.
Have a blessed day.
American is getting sodomized too.