If Nicola Tesla discovered a way to harness unlimited energy for all humans, and if the mechanisms are small enough, then electric cars are going to be very viable. Maybe Musk has a long range plan. Batteries are the major stumbling block to reliable electric cars. No batteries problem solved.
- N C S W I C -

Yes - I was thinking the same thing... the theme is turning all things cabal back on to them... they wished to restrict our movements with electric cars - imagine that there is a new way to generate electric energy that will be free for all... I know, sounds far fetched, but we know that control of energy is one of the primary ways to enslave humanity. It stands to reason, we will be free of this in the future.
Who is John Galt ?
You need to read the book, or you have read the book!
For those that don’t know. Atlas Shrugged.
My only concern is safety. Some of our health issues are caused on purpose by the Cabal, but we are bouncing all kinds of stuff through the atmosphere and our bodies. Radio, TV, Radar, Cellphone, all are various frequencies. Then all the natural occurring radiation.
Electricity is the movement of electron from atom to atom, or you can view it as the atom's need for the electron. The math works the same. Conventional Flow Verses Scientific flow. Some people claim high voltage transmission lines are bad.
We will have to see what is actually available tech-wise when the Cabal is gone.
That's exactly what I think every time I read about Tesla's wireless electricity transfer idea. If it's putting out enough power to run a traffic-jam's worth of EVs on your commute, is all that electromagnetic energy not impacting human (and other) cells?
Perhaps maybe Tesla's wireless electricity transmission technology could also allow the kind of bumper car you'd see at a county fair carnival to ride around without being between an electrified metal roof and floor.
Could you give an example of some of those verses? I'm interested in reading them.
Supercapacitor lattices superior to graphene lattices can be made from hemp shiv, here is a report from 2014.
Tesla ALSO invented a flying stove ----------- drum roll please -------------- it did not work.