That's called killing the messenger. I haven't listened yet, but I might when I get time. Even insane people have knowledge they can pass on.
There used to be a man in my home town who was considered crazy. He was from a good family, but he worked as a dishwasher in a Greek restaurant. But I talk with everyone. I talked to him and found that he was a first-class historian of my town. He had a collection of original negatives of hundred-year-old photos that no one else had. Every single history book about my town that contains photographs has him listed in the credits. He was able to help me in some of my researches by supplying me with photocopies from a couple of his rare books.
It's not judging appearance. It is believing that this man intentionally covers himself and his business dealings in occult iconography. That is a giant red flag, and should disqualify him completely from being a trustworthy source of information.
How does one learn first hand about any of the corruption unless they are working within the system? What's a sting operation? What's an undercover agent? Do you trust whistleblowers?
Expecting your information to come from only those with unblemished histories is quite impossible.
"You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:44<
Why would you trust a single word coming from a man who has entrenched himself in occult symbolism and rubs shoulders with all the occult-obsessed minions of the Satanic Oligarchy?
If the messenger is clearly untrustworthy, why would you trust the message?
His patent interview with Reiner Fuellmich was pretty eye opening.
So is this comment. So why are they putting out that information?
That's called killing the messenger. I haven't listened yet, but I might when I get time. Even insane people have knowledge they can pass on.
There used to be a man in my home town who was considered crazy. He was from a good family, but he worked as a dishwasher in a Greek restaurant. But I talk with everyone. I talked to him and found that he was a first-class historian of my town. He had a collection of original negatives of hundred-year-old photos that no one else had. Every single history book about my town that contains photographs has him listed in the credits. He was able to help me in some of my researches by supplying me with photocopies from a couple of his rare books.
So you can't always judge appearances.
It's not judging appearance. It is believing that this man intentionally covers himself and his business dealings in occult iconography. That is a giant red flag, and should disqualify him completely from being a trustworthy source of information.
How does one learn first hand about any of the corruption unless they are working within the system? What's a sting operation? What's an undercover agent? Do you trust whistleblowers?
Expecting your information to come from only those with unblemished histories is quite impossible.
Here is what Jesus said about the Pharisees of the Synagogue of Satan recorded in John 8 (whole chapter for context:
Why would you trust a single word coming from a man who has entrenched himself in occult symbolism and rubs shoulders with all the occult-obsessed minions of the Satanic Oligarchy?