104 Scotty mar10 - Radiohead - Creep (rumble.com) 💊 RED PILLTACKULAR! posted 1 year ago by Dogsoldier2 1 year ago by Dogsoldier2 +105 / -1 6 comments share 6 comments share save hide report block hide replies
5:08 - 5:44
😂🤣😂🤣 u/#spitcoffee
Edit: I'm still laughing so hard I just had to look up some more C3PMemes. My sides are hurting and I just had to spread the holiday cheer.
Remember Trump's speech in SC where he called out his good buddy, Lindsey Graham, every third sentence? I said at the time, we're being told something about Graham. I still think that's true. This is the obvious blackmail, but I bet there's more.
Outing old faggot Lindsey.
Loved the Jean-Pierre Obama.
Scotty be's cracking me up! KEK