Probably only their "selected" leadership is retarded and highly compromised just like our "selected" leadership.
I can't imagine any population, given the choice of biolabs in my back yard with highly contagious man made germ agents present on site (intended for genociding a future unspecified enemy at some unknown nonspecific date and place) bringing a constant risk of only being one inattentive lab accident / leak away from harming/killing the local population of the nation, would be saying yes sign me up for that one. But self serving and compromised leadership most certainly would push this onto their own population for a couple shekels of local currency and/ or to prevent their own malfeasance from being made public.
We almost went to war with the USSR over their bases in Cuba because it was too close, yet we continue to put military assets right on the Russian border.
If the Russians get P.O.'d about it, I can't say I blame them.
Think Russia will be happy having a US military base within spitting distance to the Russian border? NO. The Fins better get their balls up and start revolting against this because if not it's not going to turn out good for them.
No. If we need any biolabs for legitimate reasons, they need to be housed in the U.S. not foreign countries. That way the scientists will supposedly be careful if it is in their own backyard.
And we need them why? Consider we might not want any public funds involved. Did we get a vote for that? Who did?
Cause it's illegal to do that here
Don't know anything about finn's...they must be retarded
Probably only their "selected" leadership is retarded and highly compromised just like our "selected" leadership.
I can't imagine any population, given the choice of biolabs in my back yard with highly contagious man made germ agents present on site (intended for genociding a future unspecified enemy at some unknown nonspecific date and place) bringing a constant risk of only being one inattentive lab accident / leak away from harming/killing the local population of the nation, would be saying yes sign me up for that one. But self serving and compromised leadership most certainly would push this onto their own population for a couple shekels of local currency and/ or to prevent their own malfeasance from being made public.
No, majority of Finns are truly retarded and believe NATO propaganda.
If 'military is the only way' I sure hope that Trump's space force is the new military for our new constitution. And new country.
Because it looks at this point that the Military is the only way they can take over the whole g****** world & inject everybody with a bio weapon.
What are we giving Finland in exchange for this? Wtf do we need a biolab for?🤬 More fuckery by these demons.
What Ukraine got in exchange of biolabs? Money & weapons.
I guess Finland is also getting money & weapons.
We almost went to war with the USSR over their bases in Cuba because it was too close, yet we continue to put military assets right on the Russian border.
If the Russians get P.O.'d about it, I can't say I blame them.
Ukraine 2, eletric boogaloo
Legal isn't the issue. We don't eant anymore bio labs period!
Think Russia will be happy having a US military base within spitting distance to the Russian border? NO. The Fins better get their balls up and start revolting against this because if not it's not going to turn out good for them.
No. If we need any biolabs for legitimate reasons, they need to be housed in the U.S. not foreign countries. That way the scientists will supposedly be careful if it is in their own backyard.