I looked up all the replacement pastors for my local Catholic churches, all African. Also noticed a major medical hospital in U.S. ONLY hiring African contractors. Whats happening?
KALERGI PLAN: Genocide of the Whites, Jews will be ultimate rulers.
The Kalergi Plan's goal is to destroy Europe and to exterminate the white race. At the same time multi cultural culture and massive immigration of Negroes, Asian people, mestizo people, Latin “American” people, natives from “America” and Muslims should be fostered with the aim to mix all the races creating and breeding in this way a passive mestizo race – this was the special expectation – which should be tamed, which should be calculable and manipulable, which should be of a minor character and with minor intelligence. Governing in this way should be possible to be executed by a Jewish elite aristocracy forever. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=93851
They're not from Mexico or South America. Did the Democrats fly them to Mexico from Africa?
Just the facts: https://race-and-social-justice-review.law.miami.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/TRUMP-TWEET.jpeg
And humor from twins: WE HAVE STEREOTYPES FOR A REASON https://youtube.com/shorts/1ykr4t9bgM8?si=VN-jXjgWVxGddgPg
I looked up all the replacement pastors for my local Catholic churches, all African. Also noticed a major medical hospital in U.S. ONLY hiring African contractors. Whats happening?
KALERGI PLAN: Genocide of the Whites, Jews will be ultimate rulers.
The Kalergi Plan's goal is to destroy Europe and to exterminate the white race. At the same time multi cultural culture and massive immigration of Negroes, Asian people, mestizo people, Latin “American” people, natives from “America” and Muslims should be fostered with the aim to mix all the races creating and breeding in this way a passive mestizo race – this was the special expectation – which should be tamed, which should be calculable and manipulable, which should be of a minor character and with minor intelligence. Governing in this way should be possible to be executed by a Jewish elite aristocracy forever. https://stateofthenation.co/?p=93851
KALERGI PLAN - VIDEO 1:58 https://gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/094/604/368/playable/33353e6a3f8466b5.mp4
“Klaus Schwab wrote a book describing his plans to kill billions of humans starting with the whites and Europeans.” https://truth11.com/2021/06/24/klaus-schwab-wrote-a-book-describing-his-plans-to-kill-billions-of-humans-starting-with-the-whites/
Kissinger on slavery: https://earthcoinage.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/b1d24b98324a1d54ab2ce3a6012a9255-1024x886.jpg
This is part of the New World Order to install Communism. The 1% want to be the absolute leaders, and they want us to be their slaves.
May God have mercy on us all.