One great difference between the globalists and the Patriots, is that while we have a conscience and would have difficulties living with ourselves if we did something like that, they have no moral scruples and sleep perfectly at night.
Our moral compass is both a strength and a weakness. It guides our lives, but it makes it difficult to understand our adversaries.
Wow you nailed it , Profound ! I’ll add to this , but it makes it difficult to understand our adversaries and therefore we stay silent shaking our heads as we walk away disgusted ….we cannot walk away in disgust, we need to run into battle .
When you understand the liberals have a severe introspection deficit, THAT is what is incomprehensable to we free thinkers.. I often pray that they receive 30 minutes of cold introspection just to see what they would do...
It’s weird how these demons are always smiling. They should just keep it real and have their photos taken while licking a pitchfork or biting the heads off kittens.
Let's see:
Hell yes. All vaxxed and will die soon, right? I can always hope.
Two pedos, a dyke and a groomer
LOL. Exactly.
Came here to say this exactly
In other words, 4 pedos.
One great difference between the globalists and the Patriots, is that while we have a conscience and would have difficulties living with ourselves if we did something like that, they have no moral scruples and sleep perfectly at night.
Our moral compass is both a strength and a weakness. It guides our lives, but it makes it difficult to understand our adversaries.
Wow you nailed it , Profound ! I’ll add to this , but it makes it difficult to understand our adversaries and therefore we stay silent shaking our heads as we walk away disgusted ….we cannot walk away in disgust, we need to run into battle .
ThanQ, and great addition.
Wasn’t easy to tweak perfection ;)
Sleeping well is a blessing from God. I don't regret it. Thanks.
They sleep well for now
When you understand the liberals have a severe introspection deficit, THAT is what is incomprehensable to we free thinkers.. I often pray that they receive 30 minutes of cold introspection just to see what they would do...
You don't put that up unless it is true! I don't envy anyone who lived there.
All are compromised.
Yes, and blackmailed.
They got their marching orders and complied.
Yes, otherwise, their videos of naked butts and demonic activities will be showing on big screens.
It’s weird how these demons are always smiling. They should just keep it real and have their photos taken while licking a pitchfork or biting the heads off kittens.
Oh yeah. Call them what they are and in actions.
From a week ago or so...
Nice. Thanks.
That look when? "I am wearing nothing under my robe."
guy on the upper right is clearly a pedo.
Probably all of them are pedos.
They all have a Down syndrome look to them.
Probably couldn't figure out what the constitution is saying and couldn't read it with cursive.
they would look good in tar and feathers
Corruption at the highest levels, on full display for the normies to absorb. Has to be part of the movie.
I actually have people (friends from the NW) who would cheer this. They live in CO
They all have that look! You can pick them out in a crowd!
LOL. Yes, true.