Today on DecodingSymbols: Volcanic eruption BOOMS, Disney Mickey Copyright expiring, Peaches billionaire scandals, and Coca-Cola Christmas consumerism push
Cabal History
Last time the copyright on Mickey Mouse nearly expired. our bought-and-paid-for kongress just extended the copyright period. I'll be amazed if it doesn't happen again.
Disney is facing multiple lawsuits and a startling loss of revenue, they do not have the liquid needed to buy congress.
Lobbying is a lot less expensive than most people realize - a vote can often be bought for well under $10,000. Even if you pay that price for every vote, total cost for a small bill can often be under $1 Million for a bill, assuming there's no other big money interests here, since not all votes would likely need to be bought.
This is chump change for a large corporation and some individuals.
But why would they want to spend anything on something that most people despise now? They'll never recoup the $$.