I have noticed a marked increase in the number of bots, shills, and propagandists littering the internet with pro Biden / Democrat and anti Trump / MAGA content. The content I've witnessed is both low effort and low quality. It all follows the exact same script, echoing the identical Deep State talking points.
There are undoubtedly farms of paid shills running opposition accounts synchronizing these narratives. What is concerning is the volume of these posts showing up on the X feed at present. There seems to be a never ending wave of useful idiots parroting these shill accounts and their talking points. There are of course those Cabal control "celebrity status" accounts that tactically project these narratives far and wide. Those pushing the pro Biden narrative are very well organized and synchronized in their efforts.
In light of this development, and the fact that we are entering into the third and final battle of this 5th Generation War, I thought it time we review Q's mission for Anons in post 4509
It is imperative that we reorient our use of the The Great Awakening dot Win as not a mere discussion board, but a command center for the collection of high quality and high effort research rich with indisputable facts and truths. If you have a collection of archived posts, now is the time to repost them and share them. Future proves past, and our past postings are rich with valuable information to be used in this 5th Generation War.
Do not make the mistake of secluding yourselves to The Great Awakening dot Win. If you don't already have an X account, go make one right this instant and join our Great Awakening community. X is ground zero of the digital battlefield; a place where frogs belong. Do not allow the shills and bots to dominate this space. It is vital that we spread truth and reason across the platform, and use tactical memes to gain awareness of these truths.
Become the researchers that you were meant to be! Do not rely on other Anons to dig for you. Through reading of research, and writing of high quality posts you will grow as intellectual beings and become a far more powerful adversary of the Cabalists who seek to weaken you both in mind, body, and spirit.
There are many ways to support your fellow digital soldiers. Here on The Great Awakening dot Win, don't forget to hit that upvote icon on high quality high effort posts. If you see a post that is worthy of a sticky, and the moderators haven't caught it yet, message one of the mods with a request for sticky. Another means of this is to deport the post, and comment that a sticky is in order. We are always cycling new high effort posts through the stickies to draw awareness to them.
Remember, GAW is our command center, and you Anons are our engineers, technicians, specialists, comms masters, and meme-smiths who each have your own unique skill sets and gifts you bring to the table. If you see an Anon producing valuable intel for the Digital Battlefield, spread encouragement for their efforts, and if you can spare the time perhaps lend a hand in their research. We understand that research and synthesis of facts and truth is often difficult, tiresome, and even thankless at times. The more we work as a community the more effective we will be in identifying propaganda and tactically nuking it with our quality research and based memes!
There is a reason why we call our community The Great Awakening. Awakening is what this movement is all about. Awakening to the truth and facts that have been hidden and obfuscated with an inundation of propaganda and a tidal wave of shills and bots echoing the narrative talking points of the Cabalists and their Deep State puppets.
There is a sub-mission I would like to add to Q's point. Always check your sauce! There have been a number of Anons who have slipped up here on GAW by posting fake news and untruths. It is all too easy to do. The Cabalist propagandists are very good at spreading emotional narratives that serve as bait. Learn to recognize this bait for what it is.
Yay! I finally have a reason to use this graphic! 😁🎣
Attempting to awaken others with falsified information and untruths can do much more harm than good. Our adversaries will use these slip ups as an opportunity to gaslight others into believing that we aren't well researched, and that we are centers of fake news and disinformation. Do not give Deep State and Cabalists ammunition to use against us. If you see low effort, low quality, or outright untruths on GAW, deport these posts with haste so that the moderation team can keep our board clean of such content.
Do not take deports personal Anons! We all make mistakes, and we all slip up from time to time. If you are generally a high effort and high quality Anon, the worst that can happen is a short vacation from the board. Take these opportunities to rest up, take a breather, and reassess your position on the battlefield.
When assessing your information for truth always remember to DIG! Find the originating sauce of the data, and assess whether or not it is indeed truthful. When using facts to awaken others, be extra vigilant to find sources that are well researched in their methods. Do not attempt to awaken others through purely emotional content.
Lastly, as Q mentions, use the Socratic method! Learn the use of critical thinking and questioning as a means of awakening. When you cannot produce a fact to dispute a narrative, question the facts of the narrative and put the onus on the propaganda pushers to prove their information. It is quite common for their narratives to fall apart after the second or third level of questioning.
Want to see the Socratic Method in action?
Pierre Poilievre uses this to great effect to shut down a narrative pushing reporter.
If you want to have the greatest impact across the internet, do not use your Q affiliated username anywhere else but here. I am guilty of this in that I do have a Qanaut X handle that I use. However, I do also have a number of X, Telegram, and Reddit usernames that use the camouflage that Q discusses.
Your camouflage usernames should be unassuming, average, and should not draw attention to what your purpose is on the platform in question. Remember that your mission #1 is to dispute propaganda, but you can never under any circumstances allow others to know that this is your mission. This is how you get blocked, muted, shadow banned, or outright removed from a platform. While X has ceased banning Anons for the most part, other users can still mute or block you if they detect that you are being too aggressive in your push to awaken them.
Remember that part of digital camouflage is in the use of tactical deployment of information. Recognize that there are different dosage requirements for red pills. Some normies can only handle infinitesimal amounts of truth at a time before completely shutting down and rebooting their narrative programming. Know when to drop the mother of all red pills, and when to gently apply the Socratic method.
Q's fifth mission for Anons is really what motivated me to write this post. It was my recognition of an immense propaganda push across the internet that gave me the inspiration to rally our Anons and frogs against this force. The Cabalists and their Deep State puppets still have a great deal of strength and influence over the narratives that spread across the digital battlefield. They have the strength of numbers in that they can pay their controlled influencers to spread their propaganda 24/7.
The weakness of the Cabal is in their narrative loss of Twitter as an echo chamber. This past year we have seen the transformation of Twitter into the X platform where truths are free to spread far and wide. This does not mean that the work is over. The digital war still rages on, as there are still many disclosures and declassifications to come that will shake the digital battlefield. We still have a great deal of work to do in awakening as many as we possibly can before the precipice arrives.
Always remember that memes are and have always been a highly effective asset in this information war. Memes have a unique quality in that they can penetrate the layers of a narrative like a hot knife to butter, and stick in the minds of normies far longer than any fact or truth might otherwise do.
2024 is it, anons. When the real booms begin, the comments on every news story will be inundated with frogs spreading truth to the dazed normies.
When Musk bought Twitter, my greatest hope was that he would share actual information about Bots and Shills. The biggest Red Pill would be for the public to know how small the percentage of genuine content was being created. If people knew that the opinions pushed by Twitter represented less than 1% of the population, it would speed up the Great Awakening.
I wonder why he hasn't enlightened everyone yet.
It is so bad right now. My X feed is overrun with Anti Trump shills
Reddit is hopeless.
The stonk boards have done a tremendous amount of waking up the past three years. When biden appointed Gary Gensler they thought he would fix everything cause he was a Democrat......
I see nice pepes posted almost every day.
Been a long time since I saw any pro-Bernie nonsense there or "we should send this info to Elizabeth Warren" stupidity. Of course they still have rampant TDS but at least they're really soured on the Democrats. Sometimes we don't need them to join us, we just need them to stop being useful idiots and get out of our way.
Very true.
The rabid leftist on Reddit will downvote anything no matter how logical or rational it is, when it comes to being neutral on Trump or only slightly negative expect to be brigaded.
It does seem quite bleak over there, doesn't it?
I think it can still be a valuable front in the information war if engaged with the right camouflage. Some Anons might delight in disguising themselves as normie liberals on the cusp of awakening. A little Socratic question here, a little red pill drop there, and you might awaken a few fence sitting normies.
The admin of Reddit are extra vigilant in their crack down on critical and free thinkers. You have to run under their radar if you want to have any results over there.
Too much work for too little juice.
Imagine if that attitude had been prevalent in the days leading up to the storming of Normandy in World War II.
"Its too much work General. The Nazis are too well defended. We'll never make landfall or headway on that beach."
Many thought this way. Many believed the invasion was foolhardy and a great waste of time, resources, and human life.
No battle, no matter how big or how small, is inconsequential to the information war effort.
Yeah but there's multiple beaches in this battle.
I know you're trying to keep positive and keep people on the battlelines but Reddit due to mods is hopeless. It's a waste of time.
At least something you say on another platform will stay up. Mods just shut everyone down on Reddit, you're basically typing in to a trash bin on Reddit.
Also the fact that you can't really post anywhere on Reddit until you've had history on the site makes it that much harder to make accouts to bypass blocks.
So you'll sit and build up an account only to have it wiped away by one post a mod disagrees with.
This is why subtly is important in the art of war.
You don't have to go into reddit slinging red pills left and right to be effective.
Sometimes simple questioning is enough. If done properly and with the right care to the tenets of 5GW, you can indeed be effective over there. Where many Anons fail is in the patience to keep their cover and camouflage. It can be all too tempting to become too aggressive in driving the truth in these communities. Such actions are a surefire way to draw the gaze of the admin over there.
I'm far from doom posting and I appreciate your latest effort, but from community perspective: we do not have ammo.
We have an entire ARMOURY of ammo.
Remember, this is not a kinetic war we fight. This is 5th Generation Warfare; Information Warfare.
In such a war as this our ammunition is neither bullets, nor munitions. Our ammo is to be the facts and truths we gather in our research digs. We compile these truths into highly effective formats like such as memes and condensed posts so that we can engage upon the digital battlefield with efficiency.
Reorient your thought process, and what The Great Awakening dot Win is intended to be in this 5GW. This is our command center from which we venture into the digital battlefield.
Your keyboard is your weapon. Your ammo is your research!
Maybe this explains why, when I try to get a SINGLE Democrat to state a SINGLE policy of the DC Democrats that helps the entire country, I just get crickets. It's truly unbelievable at this point that none will ever reply. I've also asked them to state a policy of Trump that hurt the country, and again, crickets.
usually i get crickets, then their wrath. spewing all kinds of filthy language, name calling, etc.
I think a lot of people just don't get it- the majority of normies are absolutely hopeless. You will never TALK any sense into them, as they've been brainwashed so completely to play victim, attack attack attack, and "la la la" with their fingers in their ears, as well as follow their glowing masters. Only when their world comes crashing down in traumatic, glorious fashion will they EVER see the light, and even then, some never will. Until then, we can just meme them to death and shame the shit out of them, have fun with it, and hope that some will see the light.
Have they ever provided an answer? I've never heard of a group of people who so zealously support something without being able to say what benefit there is. I'm actually surprised that they don't immediately jump in with "making abortion legal"; perhaps they know how evil it is and they can't even through that up as an attractive feature of the Democrats.
Here's a good response to their non-response: "Just what I thought. Crickets. Which they want you to subsist on, btw."
Good one!
Well said.
Have an upvote.
awesome post qanaut.
It is in reference to the use of Q oriented usernames or other hot target names that would get you censored or banned from the digital battlefield (social medias).
I Think I am on my 11th Twitter account now, and 4th reddit account. Internet janitors on a power trip can't stop me
I will read this over, it has good points.
X and GAW are my only 2 forms of everyday news source. Yes it's an echo chamber of sorts, but I've been researching and attentive to the hidden truths for over 20 yrs now.
My X feed has been OVERRUN with Biden & Desantis shills and anti MAGA for last 2 months It's so bad I almost never even see a positive Trump post anymore and all my accounts I follow are Conservative
Awesome plan Qanaut. There is also the local Republican party angle, which many of us are deep into. The problem are the RINOs and the complete idiots in those parties, but we are making headway.
This might could use a good reposting.
As long as isn't Kenny-like behaviour.
Looks like someone got sent to the pokey for a couple days for not respecting the mod's authoritah. 🤷