203 Tucker Carlson reigniting speculation Jeff Epstein was murdered in jail cell; 'Why are there so few records available from that night?' (www.wnd.com) 💊 RED PILL KNOCKING posted 352 days ago by Jscholl17 352 days ago by Jscholl17 +203 / -0 Tucker Carlson reigniting speculation Jeff Epstein was murdered in jail cell Tucker Carlson started off 2024 by reigniting speculation sex offender Jeffrey Epstein was actually murdered, as opposed to the official narrative of suicide since the wealthy financier was discovered dead in his New York City jail cell in 2019. 28 comments share 28 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Where's Jeffrey's records.
Where's Gizz stains sub?
And when are they going to get into her citizenship being Teramar, or whatever it's called. Her teramar project was to 'own' everything under the sea?