Former FBI Director Louis Freeh Is Named in New Batch of Epstein Documents
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Wow these pedo never thought they would be exposed.
It would be easier to just say who isn't on it.
Oh that's right TRUMP.
No fucking wonder these asshole just sit on piles of evidence against these poor fucking kids and nobody gets arrested. Makes my fucking blood boil, pardon my French, but I was raised by an Irish mothers
Then that should be "fooking".
Haha funny, that wasn’t worded correctly anyway, my hands and my brain weren’t working together because I was so pissed
I get that. I really do. In a previous life I recommended introducing a bill to castrate pedophiles without anesthetics and then send them to the electric chair. I have more respect for a mob hit man than I do for these bastatds.
I really think things are getting a bit out of hand here and people need to stop automatically accusing every name being made public of being sex offenders.
Many names on that list are the victims, the investigators, and people just mentioned in depositions involving Epstein.
Trump is on that list because someone involved in the depositions mentioned him.
Similarly, Freeh is mentioned simply because he had information regarding Clinton's travel.
Yet people are ready to tar and feather him just because his name is mentioned.
I think this has the potential to backfire in a HUGE way if people aren't careful.
I can just imagine how many anons are running around, trying to convince others that someone on that list is a pedophile and that person then looks it up and it turns out it was an investigator involved in the case or something of that nature.
That's not going to go down well.
Perhaps we should break out some of those research skills we're known for and not accuse people unjustly.
I, for one, am not ready to tar and feather freeh for being in the documents, but if it is something we can do to him, my vote is yes. btw, freeh was a bush appointment, if I remember correctly.
Sorry but he surely did defend Clinton's trips. As the head of the fbi, with all its resources, it looks very much like a cover up. Sort of like how the fbi is sitting on hunter's laptop and weiner's hard drive. I could go into a few more things the fbi has been up to, like home invasions and searching through Melania Trump's underwear, but there's no reason to doubt this guy's as innocent as a sunrise.
When was there a conversation about whether he defended the trips or not? All I said was he provided information on those trips. Whether he defended them or not is irrelevant. Whether he's a nice guy or a jerk or even doing shady stuff is irrelevant.
The entire point of that post was to point out that everyone whose names were released wasn't a pedophile. Because for some reason, that seemed to be what many Trump supporters thought. And they were going around making asses of themselves with post after post showing everyone they didn't have a clue what they were talking about.
It was even more concerning when I saw people here doing the same thing. It doesn't really track well with this being an elite research board.
Because it surely seems like they didn't do a lick of research on it before running around posting about it.
Ok. Concede the point. But his record makes him a tad suspicious.
Oh yeah, he's definitely suspicious.
This is interesting because Freeh was asked to investigate the Jeffrey Sandusky case to look into a wider spread ring. He proceeded to write a 180 page report that was a cover-up of Joe Paterno and Washington DC politicians from start to finish.
But he was perfectly honest with Willy who has a looong history of sexual assault but went to the island to fish.
The SOB who followed him, appointed ONE WEEK b4 9/11, was followed by ROBERT MUELLER known as "Mr. Keep A Lid On It" in California , where he was USA for the Northern DIstrict of CA, where he sucked up to the Saudi's on their "rape" wine country legal holders among other financial atrocities.
You betcha he kept a lid on Freeh, the 9/11 terrorists, GHWB who liked little black boys and a certain billionaire Arab man, among others.
The Mossad is good for certain things, this is one.
No fucking wonder these asshole just sit on piles of evidence against these poor fucking kids and nobody gets arrested. Makes my fucking blood boil, pardon my French, but I was raised by an Irish mothers
They never thought The Beast would lose!