The series "Utopia" has a similar scene, where the two hitmen are killing everyone inside of a house with a small portable gas canister and mask. They find a conspiracy theorist and after looking at all his "connections" made on a wall, they say "Looks like you know too much", then proceed to force the mask on his face.
Very interesting he brought up Anthony Bourdain talking about how he died around 19 min.
I walked in on family watching Kingsman: The Secret Service a couple of years ago.
Cue the scene of a maid walking into a room as some major top-secret stuff was being shown and talked about.
A guy says something like "Oh, bloody hell, now I have to kill you. Why did you make me do that?" And he shoots the maid.
I instantly thought of Bourdain.
The series "Utopia" has a similar scene, where the two hitmen are killing everyone inside of a house with a small portable gas canister and mask. They find a conspiracy theorist and after looking at all his "connections" made on a wall, they say "Looks like you know too much", then proceed to force the mask on his face.