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In short, imagine this thread to be a local community hall where we all gather and chat daily. Please be respectful to others in the same way
The family cats are pissing everywhere except the litter box.
On the walls, on chair legs, and today on a fucking pillow.
The boxes have laid perfectly clean and full of litter for at least two weeks now. We don't know what's going on. Even picking one up and placing him IN the box doesn't help--he just jumped right out. We've had to lay pads down, like you use when house-training puppies.
So I'm asking you guys. How do I make them use a box again? So much smell...
I had at least one cat (two once) from age 9 till about 47 years old. The only time they wouldn’t use the litter box was when it was filthy! Yet one cat the most stubborn, a calico, would use it if I never changed it. Cats are the most unique, strange and stubborn animals God made.
It’s possible they don’t like the cat litter. I never had an issue but I’ve read some are very picky about where they poop.
Are they young kittens, new to you, or older? After my experience bringing in a mom and her kitten then she gets pregnant delivered four kittens I learned kittens have to taught to use the litter box. If mom is absent humans have to teach. Thankfully she taught them. I’m cat free now because the selfish dog was scared to death. I miss having a cat but not the litter box.
I think there’s a spray or something you can use to keep them off furniture. Maybe something for litter box habits. Good luck hopefully it will work out.
Isn’t there a rule (one shitter for each cat) ? I have three - and two shitters with pellet cat litter. Works great no smell- pellets absorb the urine and then…poof …fall through a sifter rack at the bottom of shitter.
How long if you have them? Have you recently moved? Are they indoor cats only? Perhaps they wanna go outside?
They are definitely unhappy with their surroundings, and trying to send a message.
We moved from my condo to our house, but in between I had to have two of my cat stay at a friends house until we got moved into the new house. It was probably a month or so. The one cat became more feral because he had a field to run around in at my friends house, and chase mice.
When we finally moved into the house, we brought the cat over, and he shit on my bed - 1st thing!!!! I picked up the phone called my friend and said come pick up this cat because he is not staying here. End of story.
If a cat is pissing or shitting in your bed, it doesn’t like you! Sorry, but that’s where I draw the line. You may want to consider leaving your cats outside for a while. Or get rid of them. I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t have patience for animals pissing in the house, especially not in my bed.
Cats need a litter box per cat, at least.
We had that problem until we added 3 boxes for 2 cats. Don't envy you, smell is horrendous!
Any stress changes? New family/animal/routine? New boxes or new location? Change in litter? Kitty health problems? I’d think on when and why they stopped using the box to fix that underlying issue. Also clean really well because where they’ve now been going is marked and they’re more likely to return to those places from what I understand. My cat that did this would do it from stress. Was also told by doc if there’s pain when going they may associate it with the box and avoid.