America is NOT OK! I feel we’re being pushed into poverty so that the government can sweep in and “save” us all at the last min. Most people live paycheck-paycheck, if they are lucky to even have a job. The middle class has disappeared and the lower class is living on the streets and in their cars.
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We must never lose sight of that, and how they all started parroting it in concert around the world only a couple of months into Convid.
We’re witnessing how organized satanism destroys nations. This has been going on for centuries. Something tells me the Constitution was written because the founders knew the dangers of long term infiltration.
yes, and if they knew that, wouldn't they be doing the same🤔 think there are lots of spies in this movie; good guys playing bad guys.
Interesting. I've not seen it expressed like that, but I see it. Just like #30330.