Recently, Donald Trump announced free online college for bachelor's degree: American Academy
Such a proposal was immediately hit with much opposition, especially from the right. I think he might be on the right path however. In recent years especially, a college degree has become almost entirely meaningless. If you consider that DEI ensures that the least qualified are often those that get a college degree, you realize how pointless the entire system is.
Yet, this is become the caste system of the day world.
Do you remember when Elon musk started to allow anyone to have blue check marks next to their names? The elites went crazy. The blue check mark was a symbol of importance to them, and suddenly anybody could have one.
Many opponents to the free online degrees fear that it would cost our government more money. Impossible. Some worry that a free online degree would cheapen college degrees. Impossible.
At first hearing about this proposal I was really against it, but now I think it might be a great way to end the current higher education scam system. Your thoughts?
I suggested to fam that are current professors (luckily still based) that an online system where they could educate tens of thousands for a decreased cost to the students would eventually be normalized (similar to how Western Governors University is set up). This was when COVID was going gang busters & elementary/secondary schools were all doing online classes.
They told me administrators would never accept it & they just didn't see a path to make it happen. Though they liked the concept if it could work.
I think the concept of a free online education terrifies the deep state. Young adults would no longer need to be far away from parental influence, or the possibility of "living under my house, my rules" ideology.
Also crazy propoganda based professors will no longer have students forced to take tjier "required" classes.
My biggest beef with higher education is the lack of bankruptcy for the student against them. After Clinton put an end to bankruptcy on student loans, university prices drove up & there was no check in place for bad education.
Now banks had a guaranteed investment that would never have the potential to go away. It was pitched to guarantee everyone could attend college & enslaved every student to much higher debt as a result.
Up through tbe 80s you could easily work all summer & afford most colleges with saved money from the summer job, or working part time. This oftenpaid for housing, books classes & daily needed items according to the boomers I have talked to about how they financed their college. I need to check the prices again, though it seemed like a $2.5k-$5k yearly price point for their college educations (mostly in Utah with these discussions).
I have wondered if some universities participate in money laundering somehow & this free/onlineodel would destroy that?
You make a good point fren,
The University system needs to be deconstructed and rebuilt to favor the student's budget and not the state's.
This will also deal a killing blow to overpaid woke professors and faculty