233 vivek ramaSWAMPy SHILLS can SUCK IT: “Vivek is not MAGA.” -President Trump (truthsocial.com) Embarrassing! posted 1 year ago by ReticulatingSplines 1 year ago by ReticulatingSplines +234 / -1 Truth Social Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political ideology. 57 comments share 57 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Have said all along that Vivek is too smooth. He reminds me of Hussein.
Yeah - ObamaSwampy.
If we're talking about too smooth, my benchmark remains Pence.
I have always referenced Pence's silver tongue from the start.
Vivek may use the preacher's cadence, but he's a better speaker than the guy who kept telling us to chew soap.
You're right about the speaking skills. Really though I think Pence is more boring than smooth.
I suppose it's our definition of smooth that may differ. Pence always knew what to say, and was very deliberate in doing so. Vivek is like that.
Whereas Obama was a lot of "ififififif chewsoap", but with the preacher's cadence that was recently pointed out to me here.
Guess my definition is slick as in Obama was a slick suave liar.