That is all. NCSWIC. 🇺🇸
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NH election s are dirty as hell, as far as I'm concerned. The numbers I ran last time were astonishing. In one voting precinct, Trump won 6 machines approximately 53-47. On three, he lost roughly 77-23. A full 30% was taken from him and given to Biden. Now imagine them doing this on more than 3 machines. It will have to be astronomical, and obvious. So obvious that local precincts will gladly speak up about it. Think Antrim County, Michigan. "No freaking way Haley won this town!" It'll send shockwaves across the election fraud universe, if it goes down this way.
I remember Ron Paul. I saw the steal. Nikki knows. This is why she said New Hampshire will correct the mistake of Iowa.
She telegraphed it for a reason. Maybe this will make people question, "How did she know she would win?" Especially once people realize it was stolen.
I think the dnc wants democrats to vote at the caucus tonight.