Judge quits because of the horrific, continued testimonials of the little girls and teenagers, raped, debased, violated, tortured, humiliated by these vile gangs. Huge problem in the UK. Judiciary quitting en masse due to horrific nature of caseload, gangs. PRAY.
🤢 These people are sick! 🤮
women are women's worst enemy.
the problem of justice (especially justice in situations like this) is quite easily handled by men.
But women are more concerned with social justice.
Precisely why the forefathers saw fit to put it in the constitution that only men vote
Repeal the 19th.
Because they want to be as powerful as men without being as effective, or essentially, men!
Without being responsible* for the consequences
This is a problem I see across the board with men and women all ages!
People want to have the power to decide their government but not the responsibility to take action when the government takes power from the people.
Everyone has an excuse other than themselves on who to blame when the thing they voted for or the political person they support takes a giant 💩 all over everyone.
The coward RINOs that are elected are a direct reflection of the public who voted them to power (yes I know many elections are fraudulent. There are still average people legitimately voting for worms).
The same goes for the Democrats and how they reflect the people who voted for them.