Remember that time it was possible that Lynn de Rothschild responded to Q? I still wonder what happened here.
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There's also the possibility it was Evelyn de Rothschild, who was sometimes also called Lynn.
Despite the name, Evelyn was a man.
He died last year.
You're absolutely right! Michelle used to be a woman's name...
😅 good one
I have an Italian friend raised in USA called Michele (Mi-ceh-leh) and he told me that his childhood wasn't exactly sunshine precisely because of his name.
Lots of Laughs his name , real Italian name was Mi-ke-le MiKeeeelllleeeee not close to pronouncing Michelle
I believe this referred to a man so I agree. They got him.
Yes and he was married to a woman named Lynn who is chair of E.L. Rothschild, a holding company she owns.