There's a 16 year old in my class and she had always been very woke and even anti christian. She was pro trans, pro abortion, pro LGBT. Today at school I was looking to see which of the kids from my school were signed up for the pro life March next week and I was shocked to see her name in the list
Later I said to her "hey, youre signed up for the march for life? And she said yeah. I said what? Why? She said "i just woke up in the morning and realized everything I believe in is wrong. I realized I have to change my life" She was almost crying as she told me.
I don't know what really brought about her conversion. She is close to her dad, and I guess her dad was adopted and his maternal mom considered to have him aborted so maybe that played a part in it
I'm really happy for her and this change. I always kind of liked her because she was funny but I was never good friends with her because of how she was.
Guess we can't ever give up hope on someone.
This was me, a leftist, on the morning of 9/11.
A lot of introspection followed.
Now I'm here.
Even with all this, I still want to be a peacemaking centrist, not that I was necessarily any good at it, but there’s nowhere to make peace, only to discern, wait, nudge, and forgive.
It’s so hard.
The more extreme one side goes, the more extreme the other goes to balance it. When this is all over and our Republic is back, both sides will levitate naturally towards the center again. It's cyclic, like everything else.
9/11 showed me that traumatic experiences can shake libs awake. I had a lib girlfriend who was actually listening to Rush Limbaugh for a couple of weeks before the MSM put her back to sleep. If they can wake up once, they can be awakened again.