Pretty much everyone thought I was nuts! I’m finally being vindicated. Thank God I’ve been right about a lot as it kept my kids from getting the vax. My step kids didn’t listen. They got it. Each one has had a brain surgery since. Drainage issues in the back of the skull. Idk if it’s genetic or caused from the shots. They’re both in their late 20s.
Stumbled on this on a feed. Lawyer seems to be bringing lawsuits against Hospitals that fired healthcare workers who refused the shot. Been looking through his posts and seems to be fighting the good fight, in California no less. Bless him and those still fighting.
edit: apparently he did an interview with Owen Shroyer. Think I will try to make a new post, last one seemed to not even post as I’m still handshake
Yep, an old friend of mine is finally starting to say he supports Trump, after years ago insulting me big time on my facebook wall about liking Trump. He won't say sorry though. Also he literally says he's a communist and supports communism.
That's what has been most disappointing throughout covid; that your own relatives would trust the MSM over you; you who thoroughly researched the issue, and loves THEM!
Just had this conversation with one of those friends last night. Who by the way has developed something, but claims he only got one shot, so its not from that?
I also was the mother hen of my friends group when we were younger. Never drank so I could ensure they got home for the night.
I would have thought after everything it was obvious I cared.
Cared too much .....
To save them dumbasses we had to speak truth then I got perm banned from a few sites. Well I tried.
Good riddance to them, they don't deserve you fren.
let's pray to God, "natural selection" won't kill all tripple-vaxxed dumbasses!!!
many of them are our family / "ex" frens...
Neighbors thought I was nuts...
Pretty much everyone thought I was nuts! I’m finally being vindicated. Thank God I’ve been right about a lot as it kept my kids from getting the vax. My step kids didn’t listen. They got it. Each one has had a brain surgery since. Drainage issues in the back of the skull. Idk if it’s genetic or caused from the shots. They’re both in their late 20s.
Stumbled on this on a feed. Lawyer seems to be bringing lawsuits against Hospitals that fired healthcare workers who refused the shot. Been looking through his posts and seems to be fighting the good fight, in California no less. Bless him and those still fighting.
edit: apparently he did an interview with Owen Shroyer. Think I will try to make a new post, last one seemed to not even post as I’m still handshake
Yep, an old friend of mine is finally starting to say he supports Trump, after years ago insulting me big time on my facebook wall about liking Trump. He won't say sorry though. Also he literally says he's a communist and supports communism.
Wow. What truth! AMEN!!!
Talked my wife, daughter, and mother-in-law out of taking the death 💀 jab at the very beginning and to stop 🛑 getting flu shots last year.
That's what has been most disappointing throughout covid; that your own relatives would trust the MSM over you; you who thoroughly researched the issue, and loves THEM!
Just had this conversation with one of those friends last night. Who by the way has developed something, but claims he only got one shot, so its not from that?
Yeap. I also was the mother hen of my friends group when we were younger. Never drank so I could ensure they got home for the night. I would have thought after everything it was obvious I cared. Cared too much .....