Been thinking about this long and hard the last few days. We assume that this phrase from Q means that Israel will be cleaned and the DS will be destroyed there just like we are doing around the world. But I do not think it means that anymore. I believe that it is referring to what the DS will use Israel for. At this point, one of the last actions they can take to keep Trump out of the white house, is to declare war. I think near the end of August we will actually see DEMs and RINOs try to call for war to back up Israel. I think the phrase actually means "They will use Israel as a LAST resort to stop Trump" I honestly do not think we will have a 2024 Election and this COULD be one of the reasons. Edit: I would like to add that not every one one of Q's posts need to be taken literally. Remember that misinformation is a MUST. If we could figure it out so easily, then THEY could figure it out easily. Just as i think we will never see the "My fellow Americans" post. It is a distraction
I do not think "saving Israel for last" means what we think it does
It’s biblical. All you have to do is read the Bible. It tells you exactly what’s going to happen. It’s really not a mystery.
After the rapture, the antichrist sets himself up in the temple - as the abomination of desolation. That’s at the 3 1/2 year point of the tribulation. That’s when the Jews finally figure out they’ve been tricked by Satan all this time, and they have a choice to accept. Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Those last 3 1/2 years will be horrific.
If you look at everything that’s happening in the world right now, it’s setting up for that specific point in time. You won’t be able to buy or sell without the mark of the beast, central banking system etc…. To be quite honest I find it also fascinating. We’re watching the set up to the end times. 👏👏👏 Letttsss Gooooo!
Be ready, cause that “rapture” is not in the Bible, the sky isn’t parted till near the end, and the enemy is given power to conquer us before that. There might be 144,000 who are taken up in preparation for the final showdown, but that obviously won’t be the bulk of us.
Our job is to be patient until the end and deny the mark. Rev 14:12-13. Don’t take my or any pastor’s word for it. Re-read it yourself and pay close attention to the timeline of events.
I suspect the Trump interview about going away for a while and seeing who remained loyal is the same nature of the test that’s going to be used, so .. just be ready.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
That verse can be read as post-trib as well. :-)
I’ll grant that post-trib is not a certainty, either, but it seems to make more sense.
I guess it could be read that way but then there's this which seems to point to keeping us from some event which tests the whole world. I fall in the pretribulation camp but appreciate the discussion. Anything that keeps us in the Word is good!
Because you have kept the word of My perseverance, I also will keep you from the hour of testing, that hour which is about to come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. (Revelation 3:10, NASB)
We just finished a year long study of The book of Revelation. So I respect fully disagree! However; regardless - see you here, there, or in the air 🙏🫡
Edit : disagree on regarding timing - but agree no one left behind should take the mark.
FYI - learned the rapture and second coming are separate events 👏👏👏
None of the three are certain to be correct (pre-, mid-, or post- trib). Just three theories. Post- makes the most sense to me narratively (how else is faith to be tried?), while pre- requires the least action from the believer.
With atheists, I like to point out that if they’re right and I’m wrong, I lost a little bit of meaningless time. I was indeed just a random act of nature and lost a little time that had no greater purpose. No big deal.
However, if they’re wrong and I’m right, they just lost everything.
Similar with this (unlike with atheists, not “everything”, but it would definitely be a harder walk). Never hurts to be prepared, brother/sister! Hope for the best, prepare for the worst!
And we aught also to enslave ourselves to The Word and His Will to work on bringing about His Kingdom On Earth as it is in Heaven, if we have the timing wrong, again.
Buncha stick-bundling date guessers we are!
Think like a king!
Thank you for repeating the warning. It's frustrating because all the answers are right there in the Bible. People don't want to accept the truth, which is also in the Bible.
Well said. Excellent handling of the Scripture.
Read all 4 passages that contain the words "antichrist" or "antichrists". All of the passages are in 1st & 2nd John. Then give us John's definition of "antichrist".