Donald Trump talks about the victims, of both war and straight-out democide, with real compassion (so I believe) and concern, AND when in office he refused to get us involved in a new war despite Deep State agitation for one (Iran, North Korea, etc). He's the first President in decades to NOT involve the US in a new conflict.
In 2015, when Trump first announced his run for President, I was concerned he'd be just another warmonger. I've never been so happy to be wrong.
My biggest problem with government by far is: Mass Murder. NOTHING commits murder on the scale that governments do.
Donald Trump talks about the victims, of both war and straight-out democide, with real compassion (so I believe) and concern, AND when in office he refused to get us involved in a new war despite Deep State agitation for one (Iran, North Korea, etc). He's the first President in decades to NOT involve the US in a new conflict.
In 2015, when Trump first announced his run for President, I was concerned he'd be just another warmonger. I've never been so happy to be wrong.