I’d be curious to see if the kinds of carbs/grains also affect the stats.
As the grains and carbs consumed by 99% of the population. Including the organic and health food nuts. Isn’t really the same as what people were consuming a century ago. GMO, Crossbreeding for hardier plants etc.
Also it’s been observed. That people who have health issues with American Carbs and Grains. Don’t have anywhere near the same problems with grains in Europe. Which is believed to be attributable to stricter enforced standards on food meant for human consumption.
Meanwhile Companies in the U.S are allowed to cut corners and use all sorts of chemicals to drive down their costs and returning fatter and fatter profits.
To truly MAGA, we need to address our toxic food supply. We'll never be great if we keep poisoning ourselves. This obesity crap wasn't rampant in the 60's... 50's.... etc.
Indeed. Granted a substantial portion of the population was comparatively poorer then. Not to mention quite a bit of our current diet wasn’t even on the market. Or if it was. It certainly wasn’t within the financial means of the average American Household.
The amount of physical professions was considerably higher. So more people weren’t able to afford as much the “Junk” that was on the market, and were doing manual labor for 8-10 hours a day or longer probably helped keep people’s waistlines down.
I’d be curious to see if the kinds of carbs/grains also affect the stats.
As the grains and carbs consumed by 99% of the population. Including the organic and health food nuts. Isn’t really the same as what people were consuming a century ago. GMO, Crossbreeding for hardier plants etc.
Also it’s been observed. That people who have health issues with American Carbs and Grains. Don’t have anywhere near the same problems with grains in Europe. Which is believed to be attributable to stricter enforced standards on food meant for human consumption.
Meanwhile Companies in the U.S are allowed to cut corners and use all sorts of chemicals to drive down their costs and returning fatter and fatter profits.
To truly MAGA, we need to address our toxic food supply. We'll never be great if we keep poisoning ourselves. This obesity crap wasn't rampant in the 60's... 50's.... etc.
Indeed. Granted a substantial portion of the population was comparatively poorer then. Not to mention quite a bit of our current diet wasn’t even on the market. Or if it was. It certainly wasn’t within the financial means of the average American Household.
The amount of physical professions was considerably higher. So more people weren’t able to afford as much the “Junk” that was on the market, and were doing manual labor for 8-10 hours a day or longer probably helped keep people’s waistlines down.
And fatter and fatter customers. Kek!