We have our own resident here in Kentucky! We are one of the most conservative States in the Union with a huge majority in both the House and Senate and almost all State-wide officials are Republican, but we supposedly just re-elected a Democarat governor! Yeah, right!
It’s so funny that the Feds demand access to process illegals that are no longer getting in because of the razor wire.
C'mon Kansas!
Of course the peoples republic of Washington, and their ruler Jay "hairlip" Inslee is against all things un-woke.
light gray = shithole
One of those border shitholes is my home state. :(
We have our own resident here in Kentucky! We are one of the most conservative States in the Union with a huge majority in both the House and Senate and almost all State-wide officials are Republican, but we supposedly just re-elected a Democarat governor! Yeah, right!
mine is a shithole mitten....
This might be meme-of-the-day.
I can't believe Sununu would get behind this but that's good news if so.